View Full Version : Jamaican Princess Sat 7/16 BFT Report

Capt. Ken
07-16-2016, 08:35 PM
Had Ray Geary and friends out for a day of chasing tuna at the mid grounds. Got to the area where we have been fishing and things looked promising, tons of bait and streaking marks but no takers. Pounded the area hard, moved in, moved out, still nothing. Stopped on a nearby wreck in hopes of some Pollock and/or cod still nothing. Picked up and ran 10+ miles, still nothing, pulled the plug around 2:00 and tried a couple wrecks on the way home and .......you guessed it still nothing.

Sucky day but a great group of guys who stayed positive all day long and didn’t let me beat myself up too bad for the donut.


07-17-2016, 07:37 AM
As they say sometimes the bug, sometimes the windshield. Personally I loved the report and it's great to see a Capt. post a report when things didn't work out. It happens to the best and there's nothing a Capt can do but put in the effort and it certainly sounds like you did everything you could to put your fare into some fish. Personally I appreciate that more on any trip than the catch itself knowing eventually we'll slam them with that kind of effort. Great job, get em' next time.
