View Full Version : Party Boat Angler contest winner doormats and limits

captain george angler
07-12-2016, 07:17 PM
Three of the last five days have seen great fluking on the Angler and the other two days have been OK. Four doormats in three days with a lot of limits.

Today started off will Tom Karg from Millington catching a couple of keepers with the biggest around 8 pounds. His brother bill then lands a real beauty that tapped 29 3/4 inches . It was over 10# on the Boga looking like the winner in our big pool. A fluke over 10 pounds gets 1/2 the pool up till Labor Day. A little while later Jack Tamburello lands another beauty that tapped 27 3/4 but was very fat.

Jacks fish was heavier scaling 10 # 8 oz. and winning $1710 plus the daily pool.

Contest restarts tomorrow with the other $1710 and no one in it. Bring down your $10.

I know Condo Bob limited and some others may have. Bait has been best.

7:00 AM first boat out. We sail early so you can catch more fish and the results are there.

No Galley till Friday.

Thanks Captain George

captain george angler
07-12-2016, 07:18 PM
More Fluke

07-13-2016, 06:32 AM
With no fish in the fight and really just asking out of curiosity

If the rules are any fish over 10 pounds gets 1/2 the pool why didn't the first fish win $1,710 and the 2nd $855 with the other $855 rolling over?

I know getting 2 tens in one day with both being in the pool is very rare so it seems that would be fair

Fin Reaper
07-13-2016, 07:45 AM
Might be wrong here but I think in the case of the 50% pool it's the biggest fish over ten pounds on that trip... In other words, there can be only one 50% winner per trip.

Fin Reaper
07-13-2016, 01:01 PM
BTW I'm pretty sure the rules are posted in the cabin

07-13-2016, 01:59 PM
I had the same thought or question as Taxman on this one

07-13-2016, 02:46 PM
The rules are if two people catch a ten plus on the trip the larger of the two gets 1/2 of the prize money. In that instance it works the same as the daily pool. Largest fish takes it.

07-13-2016, 02:57 PM
Some real nice fish!

captain george angler
07-13-2016, 06:09 PM
We have had this happen before and have it in the rules that the biggest wins. I did give Billy a free trip next time. Captain George