View Full Version : Miss Belmar - Blues, mackerel, fluke, sea bass, cod & ling

07-12-2016, 03:45 PM
Monday morning, we took a ride out east of shark river inlet and anchored up on some good bottom. We were able to catch the mackerel good along with some ling, sea bass and cod. Plenty of anglers caught their fair share of mackerel.

This morning, we had some very small blues in the morning jigging east of shark river inlet. We finished up the day with great mackerel fishing.

Sunday afternoon, we had decent fishing all afternoon. We had very good action with the shorts and averaged about 2-3 keepers a drift. The conditions were just about perfect and hopefully it will only continue to get better!

Monday afternoon, we had a great trip with nice weather conditions. There were plenty of throw back fluke along with some nice keeper fluke, as well as, keeper sea bass and throwback sea bass. I will post more pictures when I get them.

Sailing daily for stripers and blues from 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and every afternoon for our family fun and sunset cruise trip for fluke and sea bass from 4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Get your hoodies and zip up sweatshirts now! We have them in black, light grey and hunter green. We also have ladies, tank tops in hot pink and black, embroidered hats in coal, taupe, dijon and flamingo. Miss Belmar t-shirts are in both long and short sleeves in black, indigo blue, white, charcoal grey and light grey for adults. In youth sizes we have pink, white and black t-shirts. To purchase, please give us a call at (732) 681-0030, or get yours on the boat.

With Miss Belmar's 3 engines and a total of 2,100 horsepower, she is the first boat to the fishing grounds every day and we guarantee it. No other boat comes close. Try us and you'll see why.

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g435/missbelmar/july%2012%202016/fluke%201%20071116.png (http://s1101.photobucket.com/user/missbelmar/media/july%2012%202016/fluke%201%20071116.png.html)

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g435/missbelmar/july%2012%202016/fluke%202%20071116.jpg (http://s1101.photobucket.com/user/missbelmar/media/july%2012%202016/fluke%202%20071116.jpg.html)

07-12-2016, 03:49 PM
Are these mackerel good eating?