View Full Version : Party boat Angler Sad News

captain george angler
07-10-2016, 08:06 PM
George The Chef passed away tonight after a long battle with cancer. I just got the call from his wife Carol. George was a friend, a hell of a guy and a chef. He had cooked on our sister ship the Voyager for years and then split the work on the Angler with Bob. He loved life, fishing and working on the Angler. I will miss a good friend.

07-10-2016, 08:09 PM
Oh man. . Wow. He will be missed

Chris G
07-10-2016, 08:14 PM
Terrible news George. What a hell of a great guy.

shrimpman steve
07-10-2016, 08:19 PM
Sad news!!! Condolences

Man Workin
07-10-2016, 08:20 PM
Sorry for your loss.

Fin Reaper
07-10-2016, 08:35 PM
Sad news indeed... Thoughts and prayers for his family

07-10-2016, 08:41 PM
Very sad news...my condolences to all that knew him...

07-10-2016, 08:44 PM
Sorry to hear this....my condolences to his family.

Hunter 2
07-10-2016, 08:53 PM
Sad news Capt. RIP

07-10-2016, 08:57 PM
Sad news indeed! He was a good man and will be missed.

07-10-2016, 09:03 PM
The food and antics got better up above,
My most sincere condolences to all his family and friends.

ALS Mako
07-10-2016, 09:55 PM
condolences to his family. was a pleasure to have known him. gods speed.

07-10-2016, 10:08 PM
Bob told me he wasn't doing to well last time I was on. I was very sorry and am very sorry to hear that he has passed. He was a great guy. RIP

Gerry Zagorski
07-10-2016, 10:14 PM
Thoughts and prayers to family and friends.

RU fishin'
07-10-2016, 10:57 PM
Sad news RIP George the Chef:mad:

07-10-2016, 11:23 PM
So sorry for you loss.. Just lost my pops to cancer a few years back.. Fishing will never be exactly the same but I know for sure he'd want me out there chasing the big ones just like we did every weekend for over 25 years .. Catch him a few doormats.. I'm sure he'd like that!

07-11-2016, 12:29 AM
Very sad, good thoughts.

bunker dunker
07-11-2016, 07:47 AM
was a truly great man and one hell of a cook.you will always be in our hearts.
rip my friend

07-11-2016, 09:47 AM
Great guy...will miss him cooking on the voyager tuna trips

Capt. Lou
07-11-2016, 10:04 AM
Always enjoyed his menu on those original Cod trips on old Voyager , sometimes he would come out on deck with my sandwich to,hand it to me . RIP great guy !

07-11-2016, 10:24 AM
My deepest sympathies to his family. What a great guy and cook. Good memories with him on the Voyager Cod and Winter Seabass Trips. You'll be missed my friend Rest easy!

07-11-2016, 11:19 AM
Sorry for your loss and condolences to George's family and friends. We all have something in store for us (hopefully) after our time on earth is over but the best any of us can wish is doing something we love in the interim. Sounds like George lived his life the way many only hope. He'll live on in the memories of the many friends he made along the way! In my book that's a charmed life! RIP.

07-11-2016, 01:04 PM
Cancer is the DEVIL! Very sorry for you loss! R.I.P.!!!

Blackfish Doug
07-11-2016, 08:37 PM
Very Sad News RIP George you will be by everyone who knew you.

07-11-2016, 09:55 PM
george was a great guy, very sad to hear

07-12-2016, 02:15 AM
Condolences to his family and friends.

07-12-2016, 03:46 PM
Condolences to his family and friends


07-12-2016, 06:33 PM
Wow sad news on all the all the good people leave us great man great friend we're definitely going to miss him let me know what the memorial service going to be I would like to go

07-12-2016, 06:43 PM
I'm very sad to learn of George's passing. I went on three of those long range winter sea bass trips on the old Voyager. On one of them, I ordered a two egg and cheese on a roll. I was doing something I guess. Lost track of time. I went back to the galley and George scolded me. He said I've been calling you. I said I was sorry and then he laughed.

May the Four Winds Deliver You Safely Home.