View Full Version : Jamaican Princess Sat 7/9 BFT Report

Capt. Ken
07-09-2016, 09:24 PM
After canceling two straight Saturdays in row due to the forecast we finally got out to the Bluefin grounds today with the Mike Danieleo and Dylan Deange group for a day of tuna fishing. Found tons of life at our first stop with wales, bait and rather good looking marks. Worked the area hard but came up empty, it killed me to move away but for whatever reason those fish were not buying what we were selling. Finally found some fish that were more cooperative and it was game on, nice mix of fish, plenty of actions and tuna cheery popped…….mission accomplished! :p:p

I am open next Saturday and anxious to get back out to the tuna grounds, if you’re interested give me a call or drop me an email. If I don’t fill the day by Wed going to run open boat, stay tuned for details.

I can't get the rest of the pics to load, starting to really hate Photobucket, can anyone suggest an alternative?

Capt. Ken
07-11-2016, 07:55 AM
Additional Pics:

Found a alternative to Photobucket, it's site called Postimage.org, seems to work a lot better.


capt richie
07-11-2016, 10:11 AM
nice work guys!!!