View Full Version : Rightaway 3 good porgy seabass fluke!

07-08-2016, 06:55 PM
With my boat out getting serviced, I hopped aboard the rightaway 3 with Capt tommy and Capt Ed. From first drop to the last tommy had us on fish! To begin, we had 3 straight hours of up and down porgy fishing. Double headers triple headers fish flying all over the place. had a fantastic time fighting big porgies with trout gear. We put 100 porgies in the boat, and released just as many if not more, just keeping the jumbos. Up next we ran to a new spot to finish out limit of seabass. No seabass were home, but fluke were there and they were hungry! My first three casts I had 3 fish, a 22 incher, a 17.5 and a then a 17.9999999.
Next drift everyone got set up to fluke, and we added more nice fluke to the box. The next few drifts we picked away at nice fluke and some big beautiful seabass. In an hour, I landed 3 keeper fluke to 22 inches and around 5 shorts. Gulp out fished bait, and I was the only one on the boat with gulp.... Lol.. Called it a day around noon with a huge cooler full of fish. Great day with a great crew, thanks again tommy and Ed for a good day on the water. Pictures to come!

07-08-2016, 07:45 PM
Tommy is one of the best!!!! Sounds like a great trip!