View Full Version : Sandy Hook Surf

07-08-2016, 04:53 PM
from 5AM to 2Pm, sea robins on bunker...they were 2-3lb each...had a ray run my line(300yds) off my Penn 6500SS and then it broke at the end...it had to be huge since I was using 30LB slick power pro...re-spooled with fresh power pro and finished the day... nice day in the surf and the broiling sun!!!!

07-09-2016, 10:38 PM
Sounds like fun, so the rays are around now? At about what time did the ray bite?

07-10-2016, 08:23 AM
as the tide was going out and I think it was a SHARK, not a ray!!! It was too strong and it was running parallel to the beach. It stripped almost 300 yds of line before it broke off and ran me too far down the beach...a ray would fight but sets it wings in the sand and fights you..this one did not fight, just took off running and was strong as hell...I have fought many huge rays before and this was not one..I will be back on the hook Wednesday for more fun in the surf..