View Full Version : Suzuki 9.9hp and 20hp speed comparison

07-08-2016, 05:46 PM
Last year I got a 2015 Suzuki 9.9hp 4 stroke tiller outboard for my 14’ Mirrocraft fisherman for the NJ reservoirs. This year I got a 2016 Suzuki 20hp 4 stroke tiller outboard with EFI for the salt/bay. Prior to that I had a 1974 Evinrude 15hp 2 stroke.

I was always curious about the speed difference, so here’s the top speed comparison on flat water with just myself on the boat:

1974 15hp Evinrude – 16mph
2015 9.9hp Suzuki – 14mph
2016 20hp Suzuki – 24mph

That’s roughly what I expected.

The Suzuki outboards are nice. The 9.9 is a little harder to start – Takes a few pulls. The 20hp starts first pull every time.

Capt. Debbie
07-10-2016, 11:21 AM
Hey Mirrocraft dude,

I have one too. 14'7" 290 lb 1982 Deep Fisherman II. Ran 9.9, 20 and now 25hp Mercurys. The smaller O/B's were 2 strokes.

What model Mirrocraft do you have?

My 25 hp 4 stroke fully loaded with gear and 2 POB's is 20 knots or about 23 mph. These are GPS speeds. Never ran it empty. I also carry a 12 gallon fuel tank to keep bow down with my fat butt and battery in the stern.

Last year I got a 2015 Suzuki 9.9hp 4 stroke tiller outboard for my 14’ Mirrocraft fisherman for the NJ reservoirs. This year I got a 2016 Suzuki 20hp 4 stroke tiller outboard with EFI for the salt/bay. Prior to that I had a 1974 Evinrude 15hp 2 stroke.

I was always curious about the speed difference, so here’s the top speed comparison on flat water with just myself on the boat:

1974 15hp Evinrude – 16mph
2015 9.9hp Suzuki – 14mph
2016 20hp Suzuki – 24mph

That’s roughly what I expected.

The Suzuki outboards are nice. The 9.9 is a little harder to start – Takes a few pulls. The 20hp starts first pull every time.

07-20-2016, 04:11 PM
Hey Mirrocraft dude,

I have one too. 14'7" 290 lb 1982 Deep Fisherman II. Ran 9.9, 20 and now 25hp Mercurys. The smaller O/B's were 2 strokes.

What model Mirrocraft do you have?

My 25 hp 4 stroke fully loaded with gear and 2 POB's is 20 knots or about 23 mph. These are GPS speeds. Never ran it empty. I also carry a 12 gallon fuel tank to keep bow down with my fat butt and battery in the stern.

I see these Mirrocraft everywhere. They're solid boats. I have a 14' Deep Fisherman. Not sure what year because the HID number was removed but I think it's from the mid 1970's.

Capt. Debbie
07-21-2016, 11:24 AM
The one concern I have is the motors are very heavy on an older transom. You have a floor in yours? Mine is still holding up well.

I made a bracket that through bolts the outside transom and is bolted directly to the struts. I also use a transom saver to take some weight off the transom. Especially when it bouncing down the highway.

Mine's pretty tricked out. Bait station with large Magma cutting board amidship port side. Garmin color plotter, Lowrance fish finder, ICOM VHF, RACOR fuel water separator, 2000gph auto Rule bilge pump, AM/FM radio, bow anchor swivel, Fortress 7X anchor 10 feet of chain to 150' of 3/8" line, attached cooler, 6 rod holders, and 7 extra cleats. And the battery with that 12 gallon Moeller tank in the bow

Love it.

I see these Mirrocraft everywhere. They're solid boats. I have a 14' Deep Fisherman. Not sure what year because the HID number was removed but I think it's from the mid 1970's.

07-21-2016, 12:48 PM
The one concern I have is the motors are very heavy on an older transom. You have a floor in yours? Mine is still holding up well.

I made a bracket that through bolts the outside transom and is bolted directly to the struts. I also use a transom saver to take some weight off the transom. Especially when it bouncing down the highway.

Mine's pretty tricked out. Bait station with large Magma cutting board amidship port side. Garmin color plotter, Lowrance fish finder, ICOM VHF, RACOR fuel water separator, 2000gph auto Rule bilge pump, AM/FM radio, bow anchor swivel, Fortress 7X anchor 10 feet of chain to 150' of 3/8" line, attached cooler, 6 rod holders, and 7 extra cleats. And the battery with that 12 gallon Moeller tank in the bow

Love it.

That's loaded indeed! My layout is very simple.

I replaced the transom wood on my boat with a 2 inch thick block of mahogany when I got the boat. It's worked out well.

08-12-2016, 09:56 PM
I have a 1974 Starcraft 14 ft rowboat style. Have 2015 Yamaha 9.9 with me. 215 lbs my 2 kids 145 total 3 gal,gas I hit 19.8 mph on my gps. Thought that was great.

Capt. Debbie
08-16-2016, 12:32 PM
That's unbelievably fast for a 9.9. I ditched my 9.9 because the run from the Ramp at Leonardo to the Navesink was too long and I moved up to a 20hp

What's the capacity plate on the StarCraft rated for? My Mirrocraft is max HP is 35.

I have a 1974 Starcraft 14 ft rowboat style. Have 2015 Yamaha 9.9 with me. 215 lbs my 2 kids 145 total 3 gal,gas I hit 19.8 mph on my gps. Thought that was great.

08-23-2016, 07:56 PM
Plate Says 30 hp and 850 total lbs. I had a 6hp Johnson 2 stroke maybe 15/16 years old and got 12.7 mph from it on a calm day.

Capt. Debbie
08-27-2016, 08:16 PM
I'm thinking something is wrong here. A 9.9hp O/B gives you 20mph and a max plate of 30hp. With a 5 knot following sea the motor will give you 5 knots not running. Put a 30hp on that boat and it's way too fast- likely near 40 knots or more.

There is no way in hell a boat that light (empty LT 300LB) can be a 40knot. No way! Something is wrong.

09-01-2016, 11:37 PM
Next time out I will screen shot my phone that is showing speed. ! I was surprised. I,would be scared to put more then a 20 hp on it