View Full Version : New Petition Opposing Deal's Ordinance # 1134

07-07-2016, 06:07 PM
Petitioning Borough of Deal Mayor Sam Cohen

Opposition to Deal Borough Ordinance #1134


07-07-2016, 08:30 PM
Just another case of the 1% shutting out the 99% after taking their handouts.

One single solitary grain of sand from the publicly funded beach replenishment should mean 100% FREE public access. No exceptions.

07-07-2016, 08:49 PM
signed, done.

07-08-2016, 06:31 PM
Beach access advocate claims victory after Deal agrees to table parking ordinance

Posted July 8, 2016 In News

A parking ordinance that would effectively hinder beach access in Deal has been tabled, a beach access advocate said.

“Victory! At the Borough Hall meeting this morning, the mayor and council agreed to table Ordinance #1134. This is another small victory for beach access in Monmouth County,” announced Andrew Chambarry, an attorney and the leader of the “COBRA: Citizens in Opposition to Beach Restrictive Access” group.

The ordinance would create resident parking only along one side of Hathaway, Neptune [at right], and Sydney avenues, Deal Esplanade, Darlington Road, Ocean Lane, Monmouth Drive and Monmouth Terrace, Borough Administrator Stephen Carasia said last month.

The ordinance will officially be tabled at during the 9 a.m. July 27 governing body meeting at Deal borough hall.

“However, the Borough has stated that they will study the ‘parking issues’ and will likely come up with another proposal in the future,” Chambarry said.

“We need to work with the borough to come up with a fair and equitable proposal for beach access and parking in Deal,” he added. “We are still urging those interested to come to the meeting on July 27 to thank the Borough and submit suggestions and comments on what should be done with parking in the area.”

Late last year during a similar attempt, which was later tabled, Chambarry said such an ordinance is unconstitutional and would place a substantial burden on the public’s ability to access the beach, which he calls a “traditional public forum,” since it limits access to non-residents.

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