View Full Version : Blacktip Sharks off Lavalette

Angler Paul
07-07-2016, 12:17 AM
Today I was out trying to find some quality fluke several miles offshore. In transit from one wreck to another I found some of that green tropical water that looks like the Florida Keys. The water temperature was 76 degrees and when I was 5 or 6 miles offshore of Lavallette I started seeing some large dark patches that I assumed were pods of bunker. However, I drove over one of them and realized they were large fish. I spun around to take a closer look and at first I thought they were tuna. However, I then realized that they were sharks, hundreds of them in each pod. Most appeared to be 3-6' long. I had my striper spinning rod with me so I decided to see if they would hit a lure. I attached a lead head with a 5" shad to my 40", 50 lb mono leader. I was using a medium weight rod with a Penn Live Liner 550 filled with 40 lb. power pro. That was the heaviest tackle I had on my boat. First cast I had 3 sharks follow my lure to the boat. One hung around but would not hit the jig as I tossed it to him a couple more times. I found the school again, first cast to them nothing but on the second cast I got whacked real hard. The thing took off like a freight train and no doubt it was going to spool me. I was fishing by myself but I was able to start my engines and chase it all over the place. A half hour later I finally got it to boat side several times and realized it was a blacktip shark about 5' long and at least 75 lbs.. I would have liked to have gaffed it an brought is aboard for some pictures but I was not sure of the regulations. It was difficult to hold the rod with one hand and try to take some pictures at boat side because as it got near the boat it would go crazy and dive down. After bringing it to the boat a few times we both had enough so I broke it off. I believe all the other sharks there were blacktips although it is possible a couple spinners could have been mixed in as I did see one jump out of the water.

Paul Haertel

Foul Hook
07-07-2016, 02:04 AM
Pretty cool

Reel Class
07-07-2016, 06:01 AM
They've been showing up here for a couple years now

07-07-2016, 12:32 PM
I fished 50 miles off manasquan yesterday & on the way home we ran over that same Florida green water.....it looked like Florida gulf water. The temp in that water was 79 degrees!!!! It definitely looked bizarre!!!! It stretches from like 30 miles out into about 5-6 miles off the beach.