View Full Version : Barnegat Bay Area Fishing

07-06-2016, 08:27 AM
So heading down to LBI on Friday for our annual vacation. I typically fish Raritan Bay area. I'm familiar with the Barnegat Bay in the area of Barnegat Light...which is the same area where I'll be staying.

I'll be fishing from a boat.

Any thoughts on where to fish for some fluke in that area? I'd like to expand our horizons beyond the channels near the lighthouse where I find plenty of shorts, but rarely a keeper.

Any help would be much appreciated.

07-06-2016, 08:07 PM
where are you launching from? I have not been the barnegat this season yet but i usually fish almost directly across from the coast guard station. myers hole is usually good. and also drifting along the wall which is located right next to the coast guard station. it goes from coast guard station to along the back of the hotel or what ever it is to the inlet. just have to watch the boats coming in

07-06-2016, 09:21 PM
lots of fluke in the channels down there but lot of boats flying through not my favorite place to be.. can u get some grass shrimp and chum ?

07-06-2016, 10:49 PM
Myers hole has a dredge working in it right now. Cant really fish it. Your best bet it to head out to the Barngat reef or the garden state north reef. With a good drift you can hit the bathing beach. Another good spot if your not going to go out into the ocean is along the sod banks in front of bobbys boats rentals. Just have to watch out for boat traffic. Good luck and im down there in LBI till the 16 so if you want to fish one day let me know

07-07-2016, 09:23 AM
Thanks guys, those are all the spots I usually fish...so I guess I'm on track! I'll have to pick a calm day and check out those reefs.

SaltLife...I just might take you up on that!

Thanks again.

07-07-2016, 10:54 AM
I just read a report from the Fisherman Magazine that the Barnegat Research Buoy has been producing.

Any idea where this buoy is?