View Full Version : keyport Seahawk - 7/3 Fluke blanket!

07-04-2016, 12:57 PM
A day that ended so great never started so bad! Getting up in the middle of the night to get on the water early we get to our first spot only to find out that we're going to have to wait for a proper drift. So we bounce around a bit finding a plethora of dogs, skates, and robins...

The dogs (after breaking two of our rods last weekend) were on the warpath again. Although i have to give a huge shout out to shimano, replaced my trevala s jigging rod in less than 2 weeks under the old lifetime warranty! love that company even though they no longer have lifeimte warranties. Anyway, one dogfish comes into the boat and with a nice tail whip plants a 2 oz bucktail right into john's calf! We cut the line quick and not much damage was done. Another one comes up and almost plants another hook into john's arm. while distracted he whips his tail the other way and smacks an $80 bubba blade into the water :rolleyes: God i hate these things!

3/4 through the day we had just a couple of shorts and were pretty much owned by dogfish all day long...pretty much ready to call it quits the wind seemed pretty good for a drift down a depth change line about an hour before min low tide and although it was just a small pocket of fish, they were nice fish! I nabbed 2 gorgeous fish, including one just shy of 6 lbs and a 4 lbs class. Jimmy broke his line on the hook set on what we can only imagine was another fat flattie!

So we thought we salvaged the day with that little flurry and with the tide slack we make a few moves and end up in the magic spot about 2 hours after min low tide for about an hour of fishing that would absolutely make the day complete. We were ready to just accept two nice keepers and be done but john wanted to ride up the edge and of course we weren't going to argue that (although i must admit i had very low hopes haha). Good thing he said something cause it was absolutely lights out fluking!

Jimmy bends his rod over on a huge fish immediately and another 4lbs keeper on his next drop! I instantly switch my rig to match his and I proceeded to haul in 3 more keepers for my limit and Jimmy ended with 4 beauties. 7 keepers off a short edge drift in about an hour or so, I couldn't believe it. 2 very large flatties, a few 3-4 lbs class fish and just a few 18-19" keepers to cap it.

http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z379/chrisper4694/Fluke%20Personal%205%20fish%20Limit%206lbs%2023.25 in.jpg (http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/chrisper4694/media/Fluke%20Personal%205%20fish%20Limit%206lbs%2023.25 in.jpg.html)

http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z379/chrisper4694/Fluke%20slamming%2024.25in%204%20keepers%20Brent.j pg (http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/chrisper4694/media/Fluke%20slamming%2024.25in%204%20keepers%20Brent.j pg.html)

http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z379/chrisper4694/Fluke%20haul%209%20keepers.%20%205%20personal%20li mit%204%20brent.jpg (http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/chrisper4694/media/Fluke%20haul%209%20keepers.%20%205%20personal%20li mit%204%20brent.jpg.html)

Down Deep Sportfishing
07-04-2016, 01:25 PM
Stick and stay an make em pay that's how you proceed to have another great day. Happy 4th.

07-04-2016, 01:58 PM
way to salvage the day, some nice fluke there in the end

and you've pretty much covered the reasons that i try and release doggies boatside instead of hoisting them in

07-04-2016, 02:16 PM

Great job. Was fishing the ocean way south of you and like you mentioned the wind kicked up big time in the afternoon and for the first time in my life the fluke responded positively to a south wind. Can never figure these fish out! Loads of shorts, not nearly the size you caught but lot of bites. Ocean side the fish seemed to hit, hang on the bait and when you swung nothing was there. Assume bottom temperatures are still cold and some warmer days will make the bite more aggressive.

Great job on the fluke, some beautiful fish there!


07-04-2016, 06:31 PM
Yeah we def need a better way to get those big dogs unhooked.

Happy 4th to you guys too!

07-04-2016, 08:53 PM
Very nice catch! Good job sticking with it. Sucks about the bubba

07-05-2016, 08:40 AM
Good Story and Happy Ending is always nice!!! :D

07-05-2016, 05:32 PM
That's the only way to look at it! Haha