Mikey topaz
07-04-2016, 12:57 AM
Got the crew together for the first overnight trip of the year, left the dock in the snot made it a little shy of the hudson set the spread and had our first bft on in less then ten mins worked the area picked up two other bluefin one really good one and finally made our way to the deep we picked up a few rat yft trolling down the wall and set up shop for the nite with the shark gear out only to find one big junk shark. We tried for tiles but no body home one big ling at 8 lbs and turned for the barn at 2, while running in along the beach we ran across bass blitzing threw the plugs out and had fish evrey cast up to 45 lbs kept two smaller ones played catch and release and back at the dock for http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/75D6DA57-8A44-4159-AEB8-3BEDDBF8764C_zpswqjau7jn.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/75D6DA57-8A44-4159-AEB8-3BEDDBF8764C_zpswqjau7jn.jpg.html)http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/897729A4-56C0-44E7-B84D-5941DFEB66C8_zpspxjo0zkd.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/897729A4-56C0-44E7-B84D-5941DFEB66C8_zpspxjo0zkd.jpg.html)http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/786686C9-E8AE-4BAF-91C5-849825B7EAFD_zpsdijrtikr.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/786686C9-E8AE-4BAF-91C5-849825B7EAFD_zpsdijrtikr.jpg.html)