View Full Version : Pompton River Pike and Bass

06-30-2016, 11:13 PM
I've been taking the canoe out on Pompton River the past few weeks looking for bass and pike. I've been putting in from behind the Stop and Shop on 23 in Wayne or from the boat launch in Lincoln Park. I've been using mostly surface lures (Devil Horse, buzzbaits) because the water is only a few feet deep, and also spinnerbaits, cranks and plastics, but nada.

Perhaps its because I'm getting there around noon or 1ish which isn't the best time for fishing this time of the year?

It doesn't seem over fished, as I'm usually totally alone. I'm thinking its the time of day, or am I simply in the wrong spots? I've been hitting the numerous snags and down trees that look very bassy/pikeish, but nothing going on.

Anybody else here have decent luck on the Pompton?

The Birdman
06-30-2016, 11:30 PM
I float that exact trip a lot, i usually pull out at suckorski park. I live up the street from the river off farmingdale rd.
Hardly any ppl fish that besides the trout fisherman who fish the stocking spots seasonally.
pompton river has some big largemouth, smaller smallmouth. pike not so much, they are there, but are very skittish and spook easy.
best sections are the pools down from stopnshop and past the park, behind ramada, the entire extremely straight flat after rt23, pia costa channel, then down by the old railroad bridge by above the abandoned hoffman grove flood section (talk about spot burning;) )
spinnerbaits and topwater.
i would extend your paddle to past willow brook mall to that park i mentioned.
hope this helps

Esox Luciano
07-01-2016, 12:26 AM
Perhaps its because I'm getting there around noon or 1ish which isn't the best time for fishing this time of the year?

Was telling my buddy this just yesterday while trying to get him to hit the water with me. We all know the best times to go, but I for one just go when I can. Usually the hours that are supposed to be the least productive. Haven't hit that part of the Pompton this year, but during these hours yesterday in Elmwood Park I landed 1 carp, three decent pike, rolled the same amount, and lost a BIGGIE!! Looking for him again today turned out to be skunk trip...besides a few sunfish. But...maybe tomorrow they'll bite, could be you were just there on one of their "off" days.

Fred E. Goose
07-01-2016, 09:23 AM
Everything is so low now, it's a good time to scope out where the pools and holes are for when we get some rain and the water levels rise. That being said, the only time I've done well on the Pompton is during overcast days and in the drizzle. If high noon in the summer sun is your only time available, you gotta give it a shot...but no, it's not ideal.

Skunk City
07-01-2016, 11:11 AM
Nice stretch of river to float. For a short river, it receives a good amount of fish from the state. Hit it during the morning or evening magic hours and you should have better luck.

07-01-2016, 02:45 PM
Thanks for the replies. I definitely gotta try it in the early morning or evening. I suspect high noon in the sunshine wasn't the best time but it was the time I had.

07-01-2016, 08:32 PM
Also the low water and heat keeps the fish in the middle, very inactive with the last week being so hot, and so little rain to cool it off.(also I think were in a drought)Early or late, mid day is tough: doesn't mean u can't, but I'm with skunk on timing

07-07-2016, 12:15 AM
try fishing Hellgrammites or small crayfish in the morning from dawn to about 9, or from about 6 pm till dark.. Smallmouths sometimes won't hit lures readily in streams in mid summer, but will go wild over their natural prey.. Hellgrammites are sure fire. If you can find them or buy them, SMB will hit them instantly.. bob