View Full Version : Fish monger ii 6-26-16 bottom bonanaza

06-28-2016, 09:08 AM
Ok day on bottom grounds........................................... .................... headed out with Vin, jenn, Tats, Bock, Mike G, Scooooter, Poppa Vince & his cape may wrecking crew of Iowa Bob, Big Tommy & lil tommy. Headed out 5:40 to a flat calm sea & a beautiful sunrise. On our way to the canyon we saw insane surface activity but it was all balloons but then we got a hit & landed a beautiful beach ball with a 14inch circumference way over the legal limit size. After this we finished our way to the cockollla canyon.

Game on. drop bounce bite & this continued pretty much the whole day. Big ling, pout, jumbo cunners, codfish& DOORMAT SNOWSHOES! I mean HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE Flounder. Everyone got in on the action. Me & Ragu lost count when we got to 75 ling between us we also caught about 40 beers ORL. Tats & Mike were beating on flounder with double limits ++++++ ORL. Cape May wrecking crew did there thing catching on quick with the lings, Bock dialed in with jumbo lings all day, Scooter put on a show as always, even in between naps Jenn had over 20 & Directa even caught like 5 which is a ton for him! Don't think anyone had less than 20 except Directa........................................... ..............................:D

Jerry once again proved why he is the best as every piece had fish on it & boat positioning over each spot was incredible. To John & Mike THANK YOU! these guys work harder than anyone I ever saw in my life. The spots we fished were very sticky & we must a lost 100 rigs & johnny & Michael were right there to tie you a new rig with a fresh sinker before you had to ask. I cannot thank them enough for all of their hard work on my cockolla canyon bottom marathons I think most mates would of been sick of my shit after the first trip but these guys just revel in all the fun & madness.

Beautiful day, great crew, big bag of fillets & I got sun poisoning from those damn tanning beds I mean motor boxes. tats had line of the day when commenting on my sunblock application "Jmurr are you sweating mayonnaise" Best dressed was a tie between scooter & directa apparently both had to go to the Hamptons for a venture capitalist bow tie affair. Big thanks to the Cape May wrecking crew who brought plenty of beer for us they are more than welcome back anytime! Also Directa somehow got the biggest bag of fillets I think we all felt so bad for him we all just donated our catch.

So overall another horrible trip.

06-28-2016, 09:09 AM

bunker dunker
06-28-2016, 10:51 AM
his and hers flounder,thats so romantic!!!{lol} great trip Joe and company

BugEye Chris
06-28-2016, 12:03 PM
Those beach balls are delicious but not worth the work to fillet

Foul Hook
06-28-2016, 01:43 PM
Hey Murr you ever pop a ling when you laid down on them?Just askin.

06-28-2016, 03:13 PM
Hey Murr you ever pop a ling when you laid down on them?Just askin.

nope fish are iced so well on the fish monger that has never happened. Also the boat is so comfy even the deck is like a pillow in comfort