View Full Version : Borough of Deal at it again!

06-27-2016, 12:19 PM
From: Andrew L. Chambarry, COBRA

The Borough of Deal is planning on discussing and possibly introducing another Ordinance on Wednesday to issue permits for parking on Hathaway, Neptune, Sydney and Monmouth Dr. on "one side of the street" - another access restriction to the newly replenished beaches. If you care about access to these beaches please show up and voice your concerns at Deal Borough Hall, Wednesday (6/29) at 5:00 PM.

Capt Sal
06-27-2016, 04:37 PM
From: Andrew L. Chambarry, COBRA

The Borough of Deal is planning on discussing and possibly introducing another Ordinance on Wednesday to issue permits for parking on Hathaway, Neptune, Sydney and Monmouth Dr. on "one side of the street" - another access restriction to the newly replenished beaches. If you care about access to these beaches please show up and voice your concerns at Deal Borough Hall, Wednesday (6/29) at 5:00 PM.

Screw Deal!!! It has been that way forever. Bunch of rich people wanting government funds to replenish ''there'' beach. Any town that uses government funds for beach refurbishing should be open to the public or use there own money!They did not want you parking there in the sixties and now it is yuppie ville and they all of us undesireables to stay ouy of there town. What a joke.

Capt Joe
06-27-2016, 10:20 PM
NJ Diver:

Slightly off topic (not about parking, but about BEACH REPLENISHMENT)
Since you seem to have your ear to the ground as to goings on, do you have any information pertaining to a certain survey vessel spending extensive stays around a number of the "high grounds" in this vicinity. Specifically the high bottom, reef hills, and manasquan ridge?
Would be very interested to "know" what going on or in the planning stage. Unusual areas to be surveying unless one would be interested in the sand,
As you may know "lucky strike" was the area that supplied much of the sand used in resent replenishment.
May be time for a little investigating before its too late!
I dont know about you but we never saw the removal of "lucky strike" coming. Can you imaging the ecological destruction caused by sand removal from above mentioned areas.
Please notify here what you may discover.

Capt. Debbie
06-28-2016, 10:36 AM
Then they place those stupid stairs on the State's Sea wall, put a chain up and signage claim it's theirs' too.

Sickens me. Politicians lovem for donations to look the other way.

How exactly do these people get permits to build that sh*t on Government property?

Screw Deal!!! It has been that way forever. Bunch of rich people wanting government funds to replenish ''there'' beach. Any town that uses government funds for beach refurbishing should be open to the public or use there own money!They did not want you parking there in the sixties and now it is yuppie ville and they all of us undesireables to stay ouy of there town. What a joke.

06-28-2016, 01:35 PM
Bumping this to the top. There's an article on nj.com about it. Hope it gets the attention of the NJDEP like it did the last time.

06-28-2016, 06:33 PM
Joe the survey boat was out at the Sea Girt reef on Monday when we talked with the Captain he told us that they were mapping and gathering data to start the new reef between the Sea Girt reef and the Alex Carlson and making sure that the bottom structure has not moved too much since their last survey.

Capt Joe
06-28-2016, 11:07 PM
Good to know I hope. Interesting, wonder why so much time spent on the high ground and even the MR? If you were surveying
for a place to build a reef between the other two existing reefs why would you survey the high bottom, hills around sea girt reef,
and Manasquan Ridge.
Not exactly sure I would buy into the explanation he may have given you.
Smells like a rat to me but what do I know.

"...making sure that the bottom structure has not moved too much since their last survey."

hmmm..............thats............a winner!

06-29-2016, 06:37 PM
Battle Brewing Over Limited Public Parking Proposal At New Jersey Beach

June 29, 2016 6:04 PM

DEAL, N.J. (CBSNewYork)– There’s a battle over public parking at a beach in New Jersey.

Beach access points are bustling in Deal and the parking nearby is open, for now.

“It’s actually really helpful when I can park right here near the beach,” Oakhurst resident Stephanie Stout told CBS2’s Vanessa Murdock.

Stout hits the beach daily, but worries an ordinance being introduced at borough hall Wednesday evening could change her carefree lifestyle.

“The ordinance would restrict public parking to one side of the street Thursday through Sunday and on holidays,” she said.

The other side would be for residents with permits only. The ordinance applies to some, but not all roads that lead to the beach.

It seems to be an exclusionary tactic and Red Bank resident Bill Brooks has a big problem with that.

“All the beach you see beside me was replenished after Sandy with federal funds,” he said. “Quite frankly everyone in this country helped pay for this new beach.”

Sean McDonough with Citizens In Opposition to Beach Restrictive Access, or COBRA, helped stave off a similar ordinance introduced in October. He said it’s starting to feel like public money has been used to create private beaches.

“We just want to be able to use the ocean – we feel it’s the right of all us,” he said.

The mayor said they are not restricting beach access in any way. In a statement he wrote, “We are looking to give the residents that are located in the immediate vicinity of the free beach access entryways, some relief in the way of parking by allocating 50 percent of the spaces for residents and 50 percent for visitors.”

A homeowner, who didn’t want to go on camera, told CBS2 she wishes the borough would take it a step further and restrict parking to residents only. She claims there are too many strange people coming in and out and feels that parking should only be there for whose who pay the taxes.

For video go to:


06-30-2016, 10:21 PM
Yesterday evening Deal's three Commisioners voted to introduce Ordinance # 1134 Parking by Permit During Certain Hours on Certain Days on Certain Streets. It wil be open for public comment at their meeting on July 27 at 9:00 AM, Deal Borough Hall, 190 Norwood Ave, Deal, New Jersey 07723.