View Full Version : Andreas Toy shark fishing with the Kevin Lane and family

Andreas Toy
06-26-2016, 04:51 PM
Had native son Kevin back home for the weekend with wife Crystal and daughter
Jayna. Started out on the local grounds due to the bouncy seas. Seas started
To take their toll on Jayna but she hung in there for her dad. Reset the drift
At a different location and the action started, Kevin landed a small Brown on a spinner, then the sea monster hit, chased him, rather he dragged us over a mile.
Had him within 50 feet of seeing what it was and the mainline parted, damn!
Seas finally took a toll on Jayna and ended the trip fluking in the river.

Andreas Toy
06-26-2016, 04:52 PM
Chasing the monster

BugEye Chris
06-26-2016, 05:35 PM
Bad luck but great memories