View Full Version : Passaic getting choked off....

06-25-2016, 05:11 PM
Natural "dam" of debris choking off river. This is in the Hatfield Swamp. Pretty sure there are plants growing on top of that mess. Good spot for a Scum Frog. lol. River is really low and - shockingly - clear these days. Deep holes are few and far between. Probably could use a good rainfall soon.

06-25-2016, 10:17 PM

Ugh..we seriously need some rain. If you see a guy wearing a loin cloth and feathers and dancing on the shoreline, please don't call the police. It's just me doing a ceremonial rain dance.

Last summer I tried to kayak the Passaic River upstream from Lord Stirling Park, but was stopped by a beaver dam. I could have climbed over the dams and dragged the kayak behind me, but I thought it might make the beavers mad they might come out and bite me, so I went downstream instead.


06-25-2016, 10:40 PM
wow man what a mess.i don't think the beavers or the fish will mind if someone took that mess out.

Fred E. Goose
06-27-2016, 10:31 AM
River is really low and - shockingly - clear these days.

I'm new to the river, but I was very surprised how clear it is where I've been going. I can see bottom halfway across with the polarized shades on. There's probably a few of these blockades, and when a good storm comes through and knocks things around a bit...hopefully it's game on!

Skunk City
06-27-2016, 12:48 PM
I do float trips through that section a few times every year. Last year we ran into this blockage and had to portage around. Not sure if it's been removed yet, but this was deep in the secluded section of river.

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140726_103143_zpsq3zfj8e4.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140726_103143_zpsq3zfj8e4.jpg.html)

06-27-2016, 01:52 PM
I do float trips through that section a few times every year. Last year we ran into this blockage and had to portage around. Not sure if it's been removed yet, but this was deep in the secluded section of river.

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140726_103143_zpsq3zfj8e4.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140726_103143_zpsq3zfj8e4.jpg.html)

Still there - and many more. Its a good long hike from where I start. River through there has deeper mud than water in most spots.