View Full Version : Good Fishing on the Mimi 6/24

06-25-2016, 07:42 AM
Thursday, I saw Capt. Kenny's post about an open bottom trip on the Mimi for Friday, thought about it for a few minutes, then called and got a spot.

It turned out to be my kind of day, a little foggy in the AM, and very cloudy for most of the day. Didn't really see the sun until we were on our way in.
Started picking some Ling on the first drop, even after realizing I didn't have any Red Gulp in the bag. I did, however have a bag of Black Gulp and I recalled how one year I had a very good catch of Flounder on Black Gulp. The slack time between Ling was filled with reeling in Bergals and the endangered Pout!

Capt. Kenny was bound and determined to find us some Flounders so during the last 3rd of the trip he sailed on over to a spot known to hold a few Flounder. I do believe two nice specimens were reeled in immediately and my hopes rose as I freshened up my Gulp. I got a bite that I thought was a flounder bite, set the hook and boy did my rod bend and bounce. I began my battle with what I thought was surely a 5# flattie as Capt. Kenny went to get a net. Alas catching a flounder was not in the schedule for me today. The fish turned out to be a nice Cod fish.

Thanks again to Capt. Kenny and mate Branden, I finished with 16 Ling, 1 Cod and the Pool $.
Also thinking seriously about going again next week. Did you know the Mimi has two TVs!

06-25-2016, 08:32 AM
No red gulp?!?!?! That explains everything. And no tog??? What's this world coming to??? Nice baccala sir!!!

06-25-2016, 03:49 PM
Nice catch! The Mimi is awesome!