Angler Paul
06-24-2016, 03:11 PM
Vehicular Prohibition at Island Beach State Park
Vehicular access at Island Beach State Park from A-23 south to the jetty will be temporarily prohibited due to a pair of nesting piping plovers. Vehicles will still be allowed to access the beach from A-23 but will only be allowed to proceed north. The closure will begin on 6/30 and most likely extend until 8/7. Piping plovers are a threatened species and our State is obligated to take this action due to the Endangered Species Act. Federal guidelines call for a 1000 meter protective radius around the nesting site. The nest site is being monitored by a camera and there is an electrified cage around it protecting the birds from predators. Their four eggs are expected to hatch around 7/3 at which time they will roam from the nest. By 8/7 they should be big enough to fly and be on their own so vehicular access is expected to be restored at that time. Access by foot from A-23 to the jetty will still be allowed but those accessing the area in this manner must stay outside the cordoned off areas. No pets at all will be allowed south of A-23. Park police will be making frequent checks of the area. Anyone interfering with these birds could face fines from the State up to $5000. as well as Federal fines up to $25,000
Vehicular Prohibition at Island Beach State Park
Vehicular access at Island Beach State Park from A-23 south to the jetty will be temporarily prohibited due to a pair of nesting piping plovers. Vehicles will still be allowed to access the beach from A-23 but will only be allowed to proceed north. The closure will begin on 6/30 and most likely extend until 8/7. Piping plovers are a threatened species and our State is obligated to take this action due to the Endangered Species Act. Federal guidelines call for a 1000 meter protective radius around the nesting site. The nest site is being monitored by a camera and there is an electrified cage around it protecting the birds from predators. Their four eggs are expected to hatch around 7/3 at which time they will roam from the nest. By 8/7 they should be big enough to fly and be on their own so vehicular access is expected to be restored at that time. Access by foot from A-23 to the jetty will still be allowed but those accessing the area in this manner must stay outside the cordoned off areas. No pets at all will be allowed south of A-23. Park police will be making frequent checks of the area. Anyone interfering with these birds could face fines from the State up to $5000. as well as Federal fines up to $25,000