View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Saturday good fluking with lots of limits

captain george angler
06-18-2016, 06:23 PM
Not good conditions today with a very slow drift. But with good anglers and working the channel we had another very good day on the fluke grounds. Once again having good flukers makes the difference as they get the bite started and everyone catches. We watched teh other boats around us and they caught next to nothing. for the most part the little boats only get in your way.

Tom Berry took the pool just beating out Chris from The fishermen.

You can purchase tickets on our web site http://www.partyboatangler.com I do not expect the amount of fares we had today but we can sail as early as 6:30.

BIG POOL $1520

Thanks captain George

captain george angler
06-18-2016, 06:26 PM
more fluke

06-18-2016, 08:20 PM
Little boats just get in the way. Please. I've been mugged by party boats while I was anchored up over a school of blues and had them come up and anchor 10 yards from me and pull the blues over since there was s million lines in the water on the boat. I was one of the little boats out there in the area. And ur right I didn't see many of them catching much including me. SLOW DAY. All in all ur still better off in a Pivate boat any day of the week. Lol

06-18-2016, 08:34 PM
Captn George, I'll be there tomorrow for earmy departure. Whats the hot bait, color, or gulp right now?

06-18-2016, 09:27 PM
We watched teh other boats around us and they caught next to nothing


06-18-2016, 09:58 PM
Nice work Capt! Nice fish Chris!! Thats a beauty

06-18-2016, 10:41 PM
George thanks for a great day. First fluke trip of the year and first limit. And thanks to Joe, little Joe and Jimmy.

Treble Hook Jim
06-18-2016, 11:25 PM
I'm one of those "little boats"... And I had no problem filling the live well again today and we did it away from the fleet of party boats that feel they own the bay and channels. I also have been "mugged" countless times by party boats that feel they can do what every they want because of their size & they need to make a living... Next time I'm in your area I will be sure to make an extra effort to be in your way...

captain george angler
06-19-2016, 04:58 AM
Good job Jim. It sounds like you are in the 10% group that catches fish. George

06-19-2016, 07:58 AM
Talk about chutzpah
Hey small boaters- if you are on the blitz, that flash of blue that almost swamped you is the one "catching all the fish"

06-19-2016, 12:00 PM
Talk about chutzpah
Hey small boaters- if you are on the blitz, that flash of blue that almost swamped you is the one "catching all the fish"

Pretty funny.

Simple fact, some boaters are courteous, and others are completely self absorbed. I figure how someone operates their boat speaks volumes about their character.

I can understand how the guys making their living could be less patient than others. Not much different than me on business travel going through the airport. My patience may be strained, but I don't go knocking others out of the way.

Some of worst are the sports fishermen who are hobbyist, who show no courtesy to others when they easily could. The bite has been in the channels. Is there really a need to blow through everybody to get from one end of the channel to the other? It's not like there isn't plenty of water on the outsides of the reach channel where they could easily alter their course a couple of degrees for the safety of others.

Like I said, speaks volumes about the person at the wheel.

06-19-2016, 12:43 PM
Guess it's not enough to post great photos with lots of fish, snide remarks re small boaters must be tossed in for good measure. Small boats are a nuisance, guess us kayakers are just speed bumps?

Anyway, mission accomplished: I know which party boat to avoid on the water.

06-19-2016, 01:24 PM
Pulled out of Port Monmouth on Saturday and saw the mob scene in the distance at the Reach. Fished my own spots and put a nice catch together and fished in a relaxing setting not wall to wall boats. It really is very rewarding when you put a catch together without following the crowd. Study the charts and notice the wind and tide conditions and you will be surprised. These fish are almost everywhere they are suppose to be. No need to follow party boats. Anyway once they drift over a area they clean the fish up leaving very little. Tight lines and enjoy a day on the water!

06-19-2016, 04:12 PM
I'm a small boater that always stays away from fleet. Last year drifting just a little down from the tip of the hook
Back facing down the beach. Hear a roar behind me and like a 45' sport fisherman wide open. Guy from flying bridge wave to me. So i look over my left shoulder and here comes like an 8' wake. My eyes double in size and my 17' aluminum center cosole goes up and over it. Wondering what to make of the wave or might it just have been finger ?

Ice Cream Bill
06-20-2016, 09:49 AM
Capt. George,

Your posting from Sat. 6/18 is quite insensitive to the other party boats captains and private boats. You are wonderful at locating the doormats, and have excellent anglers like Jose, Archie, Jim, Cigar Bob, Barry, Shorty, Bill C. Joe R. and others. Last time I checked, my money is green just like theirs.

However, Captains Ron on The Fisherman, Scotty on the Prowler and other head boats in Atlantic Highlands work very hard to put fish in the boat for their customers. The private/charter boats, which I also patronize besides your own boat, have every RIGHT to be out in the Reach Channel as does the Angler. Your comments are disingenuous and very troubling. I am disappointed that you have chosen to attack others in this forum.


06-20-2016, 10:00 AM
I think you guys are reading too much into this. George might have had a frustrating day dealing with little boats in his drift, I can imagine operating an 80 footer and dealing with that day after day would be trying. For every little boat on here who has been mugged by a party boat there are 10 smaller vessels who go out in the bay and look for the party boats because they can't find fish on their own. I have also personally been out with George when little boats were circling around him when he was anchored for blackfish just so they could get his numbers.

It might not have been the best way to phrase that point but give the guy a break.