View Full Version : It is now time for that great day troll bite on Yellowfins off South Jersey

Caveman Sportfishing
06-18-2016, 06:37 AM
It is now time for that great day troll bite on Yellowfins to break wide open off Southern NJ. As of today June 18 there is warm water eddy pushing into a local canyon less than 75 miles or closer to Cape May that has the temperature breaks that go from the low 70’s to the high 60’s and that is what we look for every mid-June or early July. These sharp temperature breaks act as a wall to the bait fish and the tuna follow the food. On our last trip we found a temperature break that went from 74 degrees that butted up against 68 degree water and boated 13 nice Yellowfins in just a few hours and could have had many more if we had not left the canyon around noon. Do not miss out on this great early season tuna fishing in the southern canyons and the last few years has provided the very best troll bite on Yellowfins of the entire summer season off South Jersey. I fully expect that we will be seeing action on Big Eyes shortly in our local canyons similar to the last few year also. We do both regular charters for up to 6 anglers and put small parties together to form a group.

Caveman Sportfishing
06-19-2016, 07:59 AM
Absolute best Gulf Stream eddy has now moved into the Baltimore and Wilmington Canyon this morning that should provide epic Yellowfin fishing. We have always had some of our best June tuna fishing on the temperature break and that is currently as close as 50 fathoms right now. We will post a report Monday night as we are going on day troll on Monday starting in the colder 64-63 degree water and trolling a few miles to where in jumps up into the 70's.

If any anglers want to come down to Cape May and fish with us contact us ASAP as we want to take advantage of this great fishing only 2-3 maximum hours from our dock.

Caveman Sportfishing
06-19-2016, 09:25 AM
I might add the first decent size Bluefin at 65 lbs. was caught trolling about 40 miles off Southern Jersey last week along the 20 fathom lumps and hills. We used to have great inshore Bluefin Tuna fishing with many ones in the 150-200lb. range both chunking, trolling, jigging and behind the scallop boats but not so much the last few summers. Possibly they will show up again this summer on the 20 and 30 fathom lumps like in past years when we could jig 15 or more all over 80 lbs. as close as 30 miles from our home port in Cape May.