View Full Version : Big Passaic smallie....

06-16-2016, 08:54 AM
So I was tossing a buzzbait around logs and weed beds on a muddy section of the PR along the Morris/Union border for pike. After an hour of nothing, I finally get a hit. Fish fights hard and with the murky water, couldn't tell what it was other than a strong SOB. Finally it jumps and I see its a good smallie. It went 18" and was pretty fat for a smallie. No idea why it was there as the water was the exact opposite of what they like - slow, muddy and warm.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0vM3bfyj5NZqMmk3iz0c6FINO0QyRiRapJd6-u7V049nr_t8HlSiwX-O9as07dLqNlv9a57VhkqZZ3BkK6Uzx6Y5ty65IQzQBosZQb9iV FDgyNz7od8nejwHggzlSzfkjkOMiVe7Pz_UreeOaGwv8YCWePn EztDn0i6AA3wIXilDKyNPt1btUkmxBmhUOleNm-ybn3UNI7-Xun8uMYFiZLHUfeaI7RikPfwxZFHfckzudD9prFrAbTA3MN5Z9 UTsU2WmZjy_YKE0ryEQ8aoqDsAU4dko7uxEZXj7aurRM7Dq0BL N9V1xu-nAd4DJBKFGCt1WjzuQZybspoUnmqDQSGWG7Rriuytnerg99AQT kAmTo0PPPl_NV8FOgRzHb8d7S5vcd_NFm15SpOvV1M4_0lqnfp dgaMQHk3ZG3WdqFPBgTmEjHfA1-VHpjkZiZAkWpfP4xCVkbh_ob44K4NUZjZ5cqmDnn-SkQ8XU2Ysf-nUIH3jymh7fKcGyvArM8FpY8uv34h2UsHEyRUgP1Fi3Agp11Bj KmegevAFxWHu8-XeSfMJrsoeLjEDGpFAqu6WbcnkR83ntIdgZj-foAR0yDm6PpCubmTk=w501-h667-no

06-16-2016, 11:14 AM

One of my biggest smallies ever came from the tidal section of the Passaic below the Dundee Dam. I was throwing a Whopper Plopper and hoping for a striper and ended up with a monster smallmouth. I guess that "big lures for big fish" thing works!

06-16-2016, 06:24 PM
Good fish Mr Buzzzzzzzzbaiter! Love the river Smallies!!!:D

Bruce Litton
06-16-2016, 07:50 PM
Don't hear much about Passaic smallmouths, but plenty of them around Patterson. Nice catch.

06-16-2016, 08:04 PM
wow nice smallmouth in that type of water,i have not been to successful in murky,warm and slow water with the smallmouth.they usually like clear, medium running water and cooler temps.most of the time i'm using torpedoes and jigs for them.sometimes with the fly rod

06-17-2016, 01:11 AM
I've caught some big one's near the 2 Bridges area.

06-17-2016, 11:03 AM
Very nice!