View Full Version : Bay fluke beatdown 6-15

06-15-2016, 05:12 PM
Had a couple of my buddies out with me to enjoy a day on the water. Pushed off the dock in keyport at 530 sharp, and at the grounds around 6. Had our first 2 keepers in the boat instantly, 21 & 18.5 inches along with a couple shorts. After that it was tough. Had to move around pick and pluck here and there with some nice fish coming over the rail. Boat traffic began getting on my nerves so we made a drop far from the fleet and had really good action until the change of the tide. Ran all the way back west and made a drop in the triangle to end the day with nothing to show for it besides a few cocktail blues.
Jack was at the top of the leaderboard with 6 keepers to a respectable 4 pounds,
Dom was the king of shorts landing at least 2 dozen fish, with 3 being keepers to 5 pounds
David had 2 keepers and lost a big fish, probably 23-25 inches boatside because he's too impatient for a net
Louis had a cold day landing just shorts
I ended with 3 nice ones in the box.

Ended with 14 nice ones in the cooler releasing many were just there, but we had enough meat in the box. Totaled up just over 50 shorts as well, all fatties

Pink bucktails with white gulp was by far the best today. Fish were spitting shrimp and crabs all over the deck.
although it was a banner day, we had our worst keeper ratio of the year! No lack of action by any means, but we had 20 fish between 17 and 17 3/4!!!

Top 10 day weather wise, and a great day with good friends.

06-15-2016, 05:24 PM

06-15-2016, 07:23 PM
We were fishing right next to u guys around 1:00 near the triangle in he back of the bay. We were on a non sponsor out of Morgan. Ended up with 43 keepers...ORL and had eight myself today. Nice pics!!! My wife is actually heading to Cuba on the 24th...family is in Havana!

06-15-2016, 07:32 PM
We were fishing right next to u guys around 1:00 near the triangle in he back of the bay. We were on a non sponsor out of Morgan. Ended up with 43 keepers...ORL and had eight myself today. Nice pics!!! My wife is actually heading to Cuba on the 24th...family is in Havana!

Nice!! If I had some fisherman that were 1/2 seasoned I think we could have done a little better... It's tough fishing with newbies, trying to net fish, tie rigs, cut bait, keep the boat in gear and jig all at once.

06-15-2016, 08:01 PM
I hear you brother!!! Keep it up and good luck this year!

06-15-2016, 08:51 PM
Been there. Next time tell them your going to teach them how to fish not just take them fishing. Any balking from the crew find new members. Do that for kids not grown ups.

06-15-2016, 08:58 PM
Very nice!