View Full Version : BOUNTY HUNTER-Seabass Limit+ With The Matt MacSherry Charter,6/10

Bounty Hunter
06-11-2016, 06:38 AM
The Matt MacSherry charter was on board the Bounty Hunter for a day of Seabass fishing. Making up Matt's crew were Greg, Jayson, Mac & Mick. There was still some some wind and residual heave in the ocean from yesterday and conditions were tough until mid morning. Paul made 3 drops today and had to double anchor each one to minimize the roll. Conditions did not stop the fish from biting or the guys from catching as they went on to box a Boat Limit of Seabass along with 18 Ling a nice 19" Winter Flounder and 2 keeper Pollock. We always have a good time fishing with Matt and his crew and they will be back next week. :):):)