View Full Version : Mad gaffer 6/7 sea bass report

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-07-2016, 04:48 PM
Today we took the boys sea bassing. At first it was fast and furious sea bass fishing true drop and reel fishing. Unfortunately most of the fish were undersized. The boys stuck it out and eventually we found hungry keepers and they all went home with big bags of fillets. We had a handful of ling mixed in and really got the heart beating when we hook a 250 class thresher. She put on a nice show making several jumps before breaking off once again showing that 3/0 sea bass hooks are not the ideal choice for Sharking. We will be hosting open boat sea bass trips for Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday. Call for details and reservations 7328036276 we are also planning on doing some shark trips coming soon