View Full Version : Omg... Caught a limit

06-04-2016, 02:36 PM
Took rental boat inside of sandy hook

Got up early to go net peanut bunker...
Unbelievable - in one throw caught peanuts
A few spots
Big anchovies
And two blue claws ... On June 4?

Fished away from all boats and found 12 shorts
5 nice 20" keepers and a few bluefish

06-04-2016, 03:11 PM
Lots of guys out there with $150,000 boats didn't limit out today I'll bet.. Great job in a rental! Nothing like matching the hatch... Peanut Bunker is probably the best fluke bait on the planet, even better than snappers... bob

06-04-2016, 03:44 PM
And back by 10:30

I bet we have snappers for the 4th of July
Judging by the bait now

06-04-2016, 03:46 PM
Was cutting the tail off- so they wouldn't spin- tangle the rig
Any other methods for drifting freshly dead peanuts??

06-04-2016, 05:05 PM
Good go, Torchee, I never got peanuts this early. I see them by about June 20 up in the Manasquan. My go to Great bait.

To stop the spinning, go to CVS, and get very small SILICONE bands that some girls use in their hair. 1 bag is enough for years. get the band on the peanut under his gill plate. A big help is to put dead or dying peanuts in a plastic 1 Qt. bag and press them out flat before they curve up Keeps great on ice, or fridge. Catch 'em up...............Papa

06-04-2016, 05:34 PM
Was cutting the tail off- so they wouldn't spin- tangle the rig
Any other methods for drifting freshly dead peanuts??

Another great way to fish them is to butterfly cut em. Doesnt spin and you get the two sides flapping around. Good for snappers too. Great bait