View Full Version : Dynamic trio strikes again...c and r tog
Rightaway III
06-02-2016, 07:15 PM
We had henry,eric and bill out for some catch and release tog today.Went to my first drop,came tight on the anchor and three baits went to the bottom.Imeddiately three rods doubled over,GAME ON.This scenario was repeated time and time again.In two hours these guys returned at least fifty fish,all using the jigging method.Thats the good news,after that two hour flurry ,it was over.I mean over,it didnt turn into a pick ,it was more like somebody shut the light off.Go to spot number two,same scenario but it was just a short mad dog bite and then ,DONE.hIT A FEW MORE SPOTS BUT COULD NOT REPEAT THE FIRST DROP,.All in all ,afun day.Guys,u need to try this new way off toggin,i predict in two years every serious blackfisherman will be jigging.STAY WELL CAPT.TOMMY JOSEPH
06-02-2016, 10:37 PM
This is my first post even though I have been a member for quite some time. I might receive a lot of negative feedback, but I am okay with that.
I was on a seabass trip this week and we caught a few blackfish, most of which were pregnant and filled with eggs. These fish were returned to the ocean to spawn and replenish the supply of blackfish. We were not targeting these fish, they were just a by-catch.
My question to you is why would you intentionally target blackfish during a closed season? If the season is closed, don't you think it is closed for a reason? Maybe because this is the time of year that the fish are trying to produce offspring for future generations? Don't you think you should leave them alone and let nature take its course. How much pressure do you think a fish goes through once it is hooked, fights, and then is lifted out of cold water onto a boat, especially if it is 80+ degrees in the sun, especially if it is pregnant?
It is nice that you are trying to establish a new fishing technique, jigging, but maybe you should try it during open season and leave the fish alone so they can reproduce and replenish what is already a depleted fishery. This is just my opinion.
Thanks for letting me post my first post.
06-02-2016, 11:16 PM
This is my first post even though I have been a member for quite some time. I might receive a lot of negative feedback, but I am okay with that.
I was on a seabass trip this week and we caught a few blackfish, most of which were pregnant and filled with eggs. These fish were returned to the ocean to spawn and replenish the supply of blackfish. We were not targeting these fish, they were just a by-catch.
My question to you is why would you intentionally target blackfish during a closed season? If the season is closed, don't you think it is closed for a reason? Maybe because this is the time of year that the fish are trying to produce offspring for future generations? Don't you think you should leave them alone and let nature take its course. How much pressure do you think a fish goes through once it is hooked, fights, and then is lifted out of cold water onto a boat, especially if it is 80+ degrees in the sun, especially if it is pregnant?
It is nice that you are trying to establish a new fishing technique, jigging, but maybe you should try it during open season and leave the fish alone so they can reproduce and replenish what is already a depleted fishery. This is just my opinion.
Thanks for letting me post my first post.
Blackfish are pretty tough. Recreational by catch mortality is not a factor in the depletion of stocks.
This is my first post even though I have been a member for quite some time. I might receive a lot of negative feedback, but I am okay with that.
I was on a seabass trip this week and we caught a few blackfish, most of which were pregnant and filled with eggs. These fish were returned to the ocean to spawn and replenish the supply of blackfish. We were not targeting these fish, they were just a by-catch.
My question to you is why would you intentionally target blackfish during a closed season? If the season is closed, don't you think it is closed for a reason? Maybe because this is the time of year that the fish are trying to produce offspring for future generations? Don't you think you should leave them alone and let nature take its course. How much pressure do you think a fish goes through once it is hooked, fights, and then is lifted out of cold water onto a boat, especially if it is 80+ degrees in the sun, especially if it is pregnant?
It is nice that you are trying to establish a new fishing technique, jigging, but maybe you should try it during open season and leave the fish alone so they can reproduce and replenish what is already a depleted fishery. This is just my opinion.
Thanks for letting me post my first post.
If you are trying to stir the pot you picked the wrong Captain and the wrong group of anglers to target your post too as you will not find a more stand up captain or group of anglers out there.
Many of us are just passionate about catching tog regardless of weather we can keep any. The thrill of the bite is what keeps us coming back. The fish that are being caught are in shallow water and after being hooked are released unharmed as they are being reeled up slowly and are all hooked in the top of the mouth especially when using jig with big hooks that these guys use.
If you were on the boat with these guys and actually witnessed catch and release togging you would have chosen a much better topic for your first post. Not a very good choice for your first post as you are barking up the wrong tree
06-03-2016, 12:16 AM
Yeah they are not hurting the stock really. The fish are not being dragged up from 100 feet at lighting speed. They know what they are doing. And to be able to get out there and do a catch and release trip is pretty cool in my book.
06-03-2016, 08:01 AM
I have to comment.
"My question to you is why would you intentionally target blackfish during a closed season? If the season is closed, don't you think it is closed for a reason? Maybe because this is the time of year that the fish are trying to produce offspring for future generations? Don't you think you should leave them alone and let nature take its course. How much pressure do you think a fish goes through once it is hooked, fights, and then is lifted out of cold water onto a boat, especially if it is 80+ degrees in the sun, especially if it is pregnant?"
This is the logic that all need to fear and can be applied to in or out of season fishing, which seasons are man made with or without merit. With this thought process, either we all sit at home to give up our environmentally responsible sport or kill everything we catch.
Man Workin
06-03-2016, 08:33 AM
You thought isn't without merit, but all MVP said is true, I was partaking in C-Bass fishing last Thursday and when we reached our limit I went toggin. We do take special precautions when targeting, and we do it because we love the species. It may sound strange but everyone does things differently. I even was picking up short tog drifting clam for C-Bass. Can't speak for anyone else but besides being pulled up and sent back down, no harm done. And jigging will be bigger then it is now in my opinion. Great way to fish.
06-03-2016, 10:17 AM
I am one of the trio. As Alex pointed out, all of us on the boat love toggin and respect the fish. We have seen numerous cases of the same fish being caught twice, sometimes on the same day (we could tell by the old jig still in their mouth). If we thought for a second that we were hurting the population we would not be doing it.
I have been lucky enough to fish in Maryland in season on days when over 15 tog over ten pounds were caught. Everyone swam away to continue to enhance the gene pool. The guys and gals I am lucky to fish with want to protect this precious resource.
This site offers a great opportunity for many voices to share their thoughts and for all of us to learn from each other. Hopefully, you will continue to contribute.
06-03-2016, 06:39 PM
I have to comment.
This is the logic that all need to fear and can be applied to in or out of season fishing, which seasons are man made with or without merit. With this thought process, either we all sit at home to give up our environmentally responsible sport or kill everything we catch.
Tommy, if Henry is too upset about these comments, and doesn't want to go fishing...give me a call, I'll take his spot.
06-03-2016, 06:46 PM
Hmm, 2 posts = troll.
Bob T.
06-03-2016, 06:55 PM
Does jigging work when they are not spawning?
06-03-2016, 08:34 PM
Jigging works well as long as the current is running slow enough to keep the jig in one place on the bottom. Time of year is not a factor.
06-03-2016, 08:45 PM
To everyone who has read and, or, posted, to this thread.
I am sorry if I ruffled a few feathers.
I have read all of the responses that have been posted.
I appreciate all of the feedback, I was definitely not trying to stir any pots, or pi@@ss anyone off. That was not my intention.
I was just asking a question. I enjoy fishing as I am sure all of you on this site do and hope to be able to do for many years to come. For the record, I am a lousy tog fisherman and hope that they flourish so maybe someday I can tell everyone that I got a limit.
The intent of my post was to try and understand if catching a fish that was loaded with eggs, fighting her, and releasing her would affect her ability to reproduce. Maybe I worded it wrong, but that was the intention.
I wasn't calling out any particular captain because I am not in a position to do that.
Saltlife1980, Man Working, and ytuna, I appreciate your comments. That is what I like about this site. People can post, ask questions, and make comments, sometimes approved, and sometimes not. As for being a troll, I hope I am not looked on as that. As I mentioned, I was just asking a question, not trying to slam someone, or their business.
THANKS for listening.
06-03-2016, 09:00 PM
I have no hard feelings and i suck at tog fishing too.:D:D
Joey Dah Fish
06-03-2016, 11:36 PM
I caught a Tog once
Rightaway III
06-04-2016, 03:16 PM
Tony,iwas one of the captains on that trip and i have no ill feelings you,fact is i appreciate your concern towards our ever lovin togs.I promise you if you make a trip with us,YOU WILL GET YOUR LIMIT.REGARDS, CAPT.TOMMY JOSEPH
06-04-2016, 10:45 PM
Beach Whistle:
So because I have only posted here twice, I am considered a troll???
I have received a lot of feedback from my post, both positive and negative, and have learned a lot about how these people target the blackfish that I was concerned about. I appreciate their comments and will make sure that I learn from them. If this had been my 102nd post, would you still have commented and still called me a troll?
I did a little research and see that you have made a total of 9 posts since December of 2014!!!!! The majority of those posts you talk about missed fishing trips or discussions about the Eagles or Giants {yes, in my post I will spell both teams correctly)!!!!! Have you contributed anything positive to this discussion forum?
I am sorry that you did not like my original post.
That being said, you will not hear from me again.
06-04-2016, 10:47 PM
This is getting good:D
06-05-2016, 12:04 AM
If I recall correctly, I remember the question of targeting fluke before the season to 'scout' the area was asked and people had nothing but negative comments. How is this any different?
06-05-2016, 05:44 AM
Tonyfrompa, you did not ruffle any feathers. Continue asking questions. Hopefully, the answers you get plus your own personal experience gets you to the correct answer. I think the real questions you ask are of fishing ethics and responsibility and how to work with rules and regulations, and those questions are to difficult to answer in posts.
Scotty, you are welcome to take my spot or join us, but you have to show up. LOL.
06-08-2016, 05:56 PM
Hell I rather see guys target and catch and release during closed seasons (with proper c&r practices of course) then the flood of boats that catch and keep their limit every day the season is open.
Not to mention isn't that like saying would you expect a boat to pick and and go back to the dock if they caught their limit in a hour during the season? The is a limit for a reason, why would you target fish after you reached your limit? To enjoy the hunt, technique and catching of blackfish of course. I know I didn't pick up and head back to the dock after catching my limit of stripers this season
Blackfish Doug
06-09-2016, 06:27 AM
Beach Whistle:
So because I have only posted here twice, I am considered a troll???
I have received a lot of feedback from my post, both positive and negative, and have learned a lot about how these people target the blackfish that I was concerned about. I appreciate their comments and will make sure that I learn from them. If this had been my 102nd post, would you still have commented and still called me a troll?
I did a little research and see that you have made a total of 9 posts since December of 2014!!!!! The majority of those posts you talk about missed fishing trips or discussions about the Eagles or Giants {yes, in my post I will spell both teams correctly)!!!!! Have you contributed anything positive to this discussion forum?
I am sorry that you did not like my original post.
That being said, you will not hear from me again.
Tony I can understand how you feel about being called a troll don't let it bother you. There are some on this board who get a kick out of saying something like that. My very first post caused quite a bit of controversy as well. I posed a report about a non sponsor & named the boat instead of calling it the D. Everybody got to start somewhere I really feel the same as you do that was a cheap shot. I'm glad you called him out & pointed him out towards his flaws. Please don't give up you will get some great advice from here & I feel you can be a contributor.
You do have some very valid points in your post you were just worried about how will the fish survive after being caught. I'm sure by now you got plenty of expert answers. Fish on & I hope to be reading some positive fishing reports from you.
06-09-2016, 07:27 AM
Very valid question, years ago I asked the same thing of a sponsor party boat at the time that advertised on here that they would have crabs available on a sea bass trip to target out of season tog.
You will get self-righteous justification from some, support from others.
If it was not a sponsor but is instead are ethnic people on a jetty, you will get almost 100% support to your questioning of their tactics :eek::eek:
bunker dunker
06-09-2016, 07:31 AM
this is really old news as the sweet water bass guys have been doing this for the point of taking bass of there spawning long as you are releasing the fish in good shape, I say have a ball!!!!
Ice Cream Bill
06-09-2016, 09:22 AM
YTuna and MVP,
We all question where the NMFC and NOAA get their information before setting their annual statewide regulations. That being said, regulations for particular species are made for a reason.
With sea bass open for just another week, fluke, ling, cod and winter flounder--even blues, stripers and weakfish available, why fish for tog at this time? I was on the Paramount two weeks ago on a sea bass/ling trip---ended up catching six nice winter flounder to 3.5 (keeping 2).
06-09-2016, 04:05 PM
YTuna and MVP,
We all question where the NMFC and NOAA get their information before setting their annual statewide regulations. That being said, regulations for particular species are made for a reason.
With sea bass open for just another week, fluke, ling, cod and winter flounder--even blues, stripers and weakfish available, why fish for tog at this time? I was on the Paramount two weeks ago on a sea bass/ling trip---ended up catching six nice winter flounder to 3.5 (keeping 2).
Because they wanted to catch tog? Not everyone out there wants to fill cooler after cooler full of fish. I know I fish to catch fish not to fill freezers especially after I have a few meals of fish in the freezer to begin with. That's like asking why go fish for billfish, muskie, or bass if you arnt gonna keep what you catch
Joey Dah Fish
06-09-2016, 04:27 PM
Because they wanted to catch tog? Not everyone out there wants to fill cooler after cooler full of fish. I know I fish to catch fish not to fill freezers especially after I have a few meals of fish in the freezer to begin with. That's like asking why go fish for billfish, muskie, or bass if you arnt gonna keep what you catch
Why go tarpon fishing ever?
06-09-2016, 07:55 PM
Why go tarpon fishing ever?
Or bone fishing, or permit, or trout fishing in c&r areas. I never understood what was everyones fascination of filling coolers every trip and not slow down and enjoy fishing for what it is. Sure I keep fish and enjoy a nice striper, tog, fluke, redfish, sheepshead, etc fillet as much as the next guy but If I fished for food I would be broke. I fish for fun and wait now that I think about it I'm still broke because of my fishing and hunting addiction but it's because I enjoy it not because I have to fill a cooler every trip. I know I'll be out chasing big cow stripers Sunday but I still have a few fillets from earlier in the season so it will be strictly catch and release for myself... oh I know the horror fishing while not planning on keeping fish
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