View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Very Good Jig Fishing Today!!

05-25-2016, 04:43 PM
Morning started out with just a pick on the Blues..Fished a couple drops where Capt. Dan had a few Bass last night but they didn't want to bite for us today.

Took a little ride, put the jigs on and it was non-stop fishing the rest of the day.
Very good action on just about anything you tossed out. Fish from 5 to 14 pounds. If your looking for some fun fishing and some very good eating fish, now is the time!

Weather looks great for the next several days.....Sailing 7:30am, and 6:30pm daily. Closest boat to the fish!

Capt. Ron

05-25-2016, 05:33 PM
My son and I will be on board Friday for some fun in the sun...A little different from the surf but gonna get back into it since I am RETIRED for good as of last Friday, which just happened to be my birthday...plenty time to fish 'till I drop...see 'ya all later, Rammie...got the Cajun Red spooled on my favorite Penn 650ss reel... what would boat fishing without that.....

05-25-2016, 08:40 PM
Nice work Capt! Love fighting those blues