View Full Version : fluke reel/ rod set up

05-25-2016, 01:34 PM
looking to purchase some gear to fish fluke in the barnaget bay and just outside the inlet, not looking to break the bank, would like to get 2 rods/ reels for the bay and two for outside, spinning or conventional doesn't matter, would like to get additional use if possible as well. not looking for junk but dont want to break the bank either

also, looking to advice on additional set ups for fishing up to 5 miles off shore etc.

this is all new to me and looking to make the right purchases the first time


05-25-2016, 02:48 PM
Can't go wrong with a shimano torium reel and a teramar rod. Size of reel and rod specs dependedent upon preference.

05-25-2016, 03:49 PM
Outside BI

Conventional- 6'6" Shimano Trevala TVC66MH with a Daiwa Lexa 300. You can bucktail, drag bait, chunk, live line, jig, cast...whatever with it. An Abu C3 5500 will cut down the cost a little.

Spinning - 7' Trevala with a Penn Battle 3000/4000. Shimano Baitrunner 6000D for a few more bucks isn't a bad option also but it's heavier.

Both those set ups will work great in the bay also but if you want to lighten up a little go with any 6'6" to 7' medium power fast action spinning rod with a 2500/3000 sized reel and you are totally covered for the bay. Again, the Penn Battles have been pretty solid for what you pay.

Conventional---I've been having fun with a 6'6" Medium action baitcast rod (old Fenwick SeaHawk) with a Lexa 100 I got on sale for $50.

15 pound braid inside the bay
30 pound braid outside

05-25-2016, 04:35 PM
Yeppp... Lexa 300H with your choice of rod is all you need for inside OR outside... My goto rod is a GLoomis Pro Blue 12-25lb PBR843C and the 300H. Great all around combo which you can do a lot with. Scot and I are from down there so you'll see us on the water at some point i'm sure!

05-25-2016, 04:46 PM
not looking to break the bank,

GLoomis Pro Blue 12-25lb PBR843C

If your bank is built like Fort Knox that Loomis is a nice choice.:eek::D

05-25-2016, 04:54 PM
Hahaha... hey I just saved him from buying two different combos! Spend the extra hundred on the GLoomis and he'll only need two setups, not 4!

05-25-2016, 05:37 PM
Penn battalion 15/30 series in either spinning or casting, depending on reel choice is as all around a rod as you can get.
from light bucktails to 8 OZ bucktails and jigs.
super light and take a beating .

05-25-2016, 10:18 PM
For light jigging a good set up that i use is a Shimano Trevala medium paired with a Penn battle 2 2500. That would be good for in the bay.

05-30-2016, 12:58 AM

If you are in the Union Area look me up. I will get you all set up as i have several combos that will work nicely for you and save you at least 50% off retail


05-30-2016, 11:53 PM
Came across the six gill reels today on facebook. They are running a promo buy one get one free basically. They seem comparable to the quantum accurist. Still not sure if I'm going to pick them up for the bay...
offer is buy a hyperion receive a free cruise with promo code "MAYBOGO"

Company is called Sixgill and the website is http://sixgillfishing.com/casting-reels/

06-01-2016, 01:42 AM
Alex aka MVP will take care of you.