View Full Version : Monger Blues & Unicorns 5-22 with all star crew

05-24-2016, 11:00 AM
Sorry for the delayed report. Was supposed to be my sea bass opener with Capt. hank but the feds f#cked me without even buying me dinner. With the linging awful Hank said Blues & striped unicorns be our best bet. So my all star crew of my brother Jimmy our mean poppa vince & great Poppa KB, Scooooottterrrr, Philthy Orr, Fisty Frankel, Ragu, Sven & his life partner Joey Da Fish all assembled into Dr. Evans shortbus & headed to Hanks.

We elected for the late start due to the wind forecast was a good call we broke inlet into some big 7ft rollers but very little wind waves & by 10 or so the ocean was flat as lake cockolla. Fishing well not the best but Hank found 2 stupid drifts where we put 34 blues in the boat in no time up by the mud. Hank then took us all the way south to below seaside looking for striped unicorns the whole way. Read boomerangs all over & made bait with ease thought #itsgonnahappen but nope. went on the troll nope. swam baits in deep nope!. Finally Joey notices directa with a white lighter & as soon as it was tossed over we had a whack on the troll & the fish hooked for 20 seconds & gone :( so we ended with 34 blues for the day.

Days like this remind me why Monger nation is what it is. Jerry had to of run 80-90 miles looking for fish for us all day & not even counting the trolling time. Its efforts like this that have the monger booked solid until Tats is allowed out again in 2040. Super fun day with this cast of characters lots of coloring eating ball busting & no beer left.

Joey Dah Fish
05-24-2016, 12:59 PM
Always fun with this group!!!! Capt Jelly gave us 150 % the Directa not so much

the directa
05-24-2016, 01:16 PM
Sorry about the white lighter fella's but truth be told at this later moment I borrowed it off Vincent Ragusa

05-24-2016, 01:21 PM
Sorry about the white lighter fella's but truth be told at this later moment I borrowed it off Vincent Ragusa

oh take it like a man you vagina!!!!!!!

bunker dunker
05-24-2016, 01:27 PM
good stuff Joe!!!

05-24-2016, 09:51 PM
No beer left.........wtf............rookies or cheapskates???????????????

shrimpman steve
05-24-2016, 10:16 PM
Wow, what a crew. I hope Hank sterilized the boat when you guys left:p

05-24-2016, 10:41 PM
No cheapskates on the beer. I provide the beer and don't even drink!!! Murray and Ragusa can back me up on this one buddy!!!!

05-24-2016, 11:05 PM
No beer left.........wtf............rookies or cheapskates???????????????
Neither just a few degenerate drunks