View Full Version : Penn Fathom or Avet?

05-24-2016, 10:27 AM
I'm in the process of putting together a heavier bottom fishing set up. I'm using a fish poison blackfish rod and Avet SX for most of my bottom fishing. It seems to do very well with 40lb braid and up to about 8 ounces. I'd like something I can fish with a little more weight, and in deeper water. I think I have the rod figured out, but I could use some advice on the reel. I really like my Avet SX and planned to buy an MXL, but the Penn fathom lever drag has caught my attention. It seems to get good reviews, is quite a bit cheaper, and has a 33lb drag. The Avet ,however looks better, is made in the US, and has worked well for me in the past. Anyone care to share an opinion on those two? ( another choice is a Maxell Ocean Max, it cost a few dollars more and seems like it might be overkill for bottom fishing, even in deep water.)

05-24-2016, 11:50 AM
I like my Avets, but for bottom fishing would choose a star drag reel every time. They can put out drag all day that would crush the pinion bearing on an SX or MX series reel. If your heart is set on a lever drage. one of the strong points of the Fathom LDs is that they use thrust bearings that are much more rugged than the bearings used in the small Avets.

05-24-2016, 11:57 AM
I had the same dilemma, looking for the right reel/rod combo for cod/tile fishing.

I finally decided on a Penn US113N, which is the current version of the venerable Baja Special. Spooled it with 65 lb metered powerpro and hung it on a St. Croix PM79XXXH Muskie rod.

I believe this setup is going to work well for tuna jigging also.

As far as the Avets go, I have a SX that I love, I sold a MXL unused because I couldn't figure out a use for it. It was almost identical to the SX in performance, but simply bigger. I didn't need the extra line capacity in that reel range.

05-24-2016, 12:06 PM
I'd consider getting an SXJ and use that for your lighter setup and make the SX you have your heavier setup. There is no point in heavy drags... If you're using 40lb braid, 1/3 of that is only 12lbs. Both the fathom and the SX/SXJ are good reels, it all comes down to personal preference. Even the price point is about the same. If you are used to lever drag and comfortable with it then go with the SXJ. If you want to try a star drag then consider the Fathom 12. I'm slowly switching all my reels out to SXJ's, its pretty much all you need for anything we do inshore. The MX is the same drag specs as the SX just more wasted line capacity you dont need and a lot heavier. Plus believe it or not the SX/SXJ has more torque then the MXJ/MXL... trust me.

05-24-2016, 02:00 PM
I have an Avet MXL i use for my deep water drops and heavier fishing. Great reel. Holds a ton of line. I have no issues with it at all. For the price its a great reel

05-25-2016, 12:01 AM
Thanks guys. Lots of different opinions. Just to clarify, I like a lever drag, I want to fill it with 65 braid, and will use it in 300'+ of water. No thoughts on the Maxel ocean max reels?

05-25-2016, 11:08 AM
...There is no point in heavy drags...

I agree, and mentioned it only because there are guys who like to fish with the drag buttoned down, which is not something you want to do with any SX series.

05-25-2016, 11:50 AM
Thanks guys. Lots of different opinions. Just to clarify, I like a lever drag, I want to fill it with 65 braid, and will use it in 300'+ of water. No thoughts on the Maxel ocean max reels?

I've heard only good things about the Ocean Max reels, but never used one.

Given that your talking about fishing 300+ feet of water, you'll also be using anywhere from 1 to 3 lbs of lead. Make sure you take that into account when looking at the reels and their gear ratios. IMHO, the Avet SX/MX would definitely be the wrong reel for that application. You'll want something around a 4:1 gear ratio, so you don't kill yourself checking your bait every 15 minutes. Depending on the money you want to spend, you could also consider a 2-speed reel.

I personally prefer a star drag for bottom fishing, I feel levers are best for trolling.

05-25-2016, 04:30 PM
Thanks guys. Lots of different opinions. Just to clarify, I like a lever drag, I want to fill it with 65 braid, and will use it in 300'+ of water. No thoughts on the Maxel ocean max reels?

What are you fishing for in 300+ft of water? I know guys that tilefish in 1000ft and only use 50lb braid... The Ocean Max series is another good one, I use an 05 as well with good success. The same guys fishing for tiles love the larger size, but quite more then the Avets.

05-25-2016, 05:12 PM
Tilefish, grouper, black bellied rose fish, and some deep seabass...all from party boats. I've narrowed the benefits down to this: Avet-I really like them, Fathom-better drag, Maxel-most robust.

05-25-2016, 05:15 PM
I think I have the rod figured out, but I could use some advice on the reel.

What rod are you going to pair the reel up with?

05-25-2016, 05:45 PM
Kevin Bogan cod rod or Shimano Bluewater Tallus extra heavy.

05-25-2016, 06:46 PM
I like avets a lot ..but I would check out accurate fury reels the 400 or 500 I think would be great reel for around $250

you tube accurate fury reels... a tackle shop in NY does nice video on reels

05-26-2016, 10:54 AM
Kevin Bogan cod rod or Shimano Bluewater Tallus extra heavy.

Ha I just sold that Tallus rod... Yeah for either of those I wouldn't go with a standard SX or MX unless you stepped up to the Raptor level for the drag capacity. Either of the Ocean Max reels is a good choice and so is the Accurate someone just mentioned. Rumor is Daiwa is gonna be releasing their larger new Saltiga line which might be worth looking into. Their new Saltiga 15 has been a huge hit and a top performer so far.

the directa
05-26-2016, 02:32 PM
I use and like the Fathom for deep bottom fishing. I just recommend stick with :cool:the star drag

Capt. Lou
05-26-2016, 04:49 PM
I purchased a Penn Fathom several years back for deep water bottom use , since then I've purchased a couple more due to a very simple fact the reel has survived over 100 trips for a variety of species w/o issues !
It was to be a back up for my several Saltigas but now they R my go to reels & use the Saltigas for jigging cod or tuna !
I to prefer star drags as well & after bottom fishing for over 15 seasons with several Daiwa 50 h's levers drags which R a super reel I can't honestly say why, both system worked fine for me . Probably because the stars R narrow spools which I prefer as well .

05-26-2016, 06:17 PM
Just an FYI, a southern New Jersey tackle dealer has the fathom 30 2 speed and 40 narrow 2 speed on sale for less than $200. Great deal.

05-26-2016, 11:09 PM
If you want to drop some coin the accurate Valiant 300 boss is a beast!!! I got one at the start of tog season in April and it is bad ass.

05-27-2016, 11:31 PM
I think I'll go with the Fathom for my heavier bottom rod. I picked up a new jigging rod yesterday so now I need a reel for that too...local tackle shop did a pretty good job convincing me I need a Truth SG for the jigging rod.