View Full Version : Shark River 2nd time around

05-22-2016, 02:05 PM
After having had a decent morning yesterday, decided to give it another try today. Left the dock at 7, and had 2 no measure keepers in the box by 7:30.
Had a nice pick of quality shorts as well. After 7:30 we could not find another keeper. Fish bit thru the slack and into the outgoing. Lots of 17 inch fish. Water temp up to 53.9. Docked at 11 and called it A day.

2 side notes, inlet very rough none of the Belmar bottom boats sailed.

Upon docking a young fellow appeared and said he was doing interviews for
NJDEP would I answer some questions, was told I could stop at any point.
I was in the cockpit of my boat.

1st question - Where you fishing on a Party boat, Charter boat , private boat or from shore.

2nd question - Where you fishing in the ocean, river, bay or elsewhere.

3rd question in response to my answer to #2 of river, what was the name of the river I was fishing in.

4th question - with rods still in rod holders. Where you fishing with rods and reels, seine net, cast net or pots, At this point I said leave I could not believe we pay people to ask , or pay someone to write a survey with these types of questions.

Now I know why the fisheries management is so screwed up.

He then proceeded to ask my fishing partner if he would answer these same questions, his answer please copy my friends answers.


Capt Sal
05-22-2016, 08:00 PM
What a joke! More tax payer money down the toilet. You are on your own boat and he asks these stupid questions. Makes for good science and a reliable amount of fish that are landed. No i am going to drive my boat over to the head boat and we will leave our boat there lol:eek: