View Full Version : Huge sword caught off Miami

Home Depot George
05-17-2016, 05:49 AM
580# caught off Miami after fighting the fish for 8hrs and 20 miles. Very uncommon to see them this big here in south Florida

05-17-2016, 06:22 AM

05-17-2016, 09:36 AM
To have a fish on for that long and be successful is incredible. The odds definitely do not favor the anglers, some skill there. Knot slipping, running into pots or debris, hook failure, line breaking, reel failure, angler failure, boat failure etc. etc. everything has to come together just right. 20 miles from start to finish, what an epic battle. Amazing they were able to get that fish in the boat! To anyone who has put the hours in at sea to finally be given the opportunity of a lifetime and be able to deliver, good for the captain and crew. Fwiw, whoever was steaking that beast which is no easy task on a fish of that size was doing one helluva great job, those steaks look perfect. Great to see a trophy fish like that being taken care of back at the docks so nothing goes to waste. Even with all the commercial pressure on these fish, there are some real monsters swimming out there. Pound for pound sword fish are some of the toughest fighters there are, as the article says they fight from start to finish with no let up. Congratulations to the Captain and crew, incredible catch.

Mikey topaz
05-17-2016, 11:24 AM
Badazzzzzzz!!!! Cant wait to get out to that blue water!

05-17-2016, 01:34 PM
Me too thanks for getting the juices going

05-17-2016, 02:55 PM
Sweet Jesus. That's epic. Holy crap! Congrats to the capt and crew as that is truly an accomplishment of monstrous proportions!

I caught a 125 sword many moons ago that took an hour to land on 40lb fluoro leader. After that I quickly learned how to respect these beasts. I can't imagine one close to 600 lbs! Sweating and sore just thinking about it lol...

05-20-2016, 03:57 PM
I can't even picture in my head how a fish battle can span 20 miles... MONSTER!

05-21-2016, 09:18 AM
Sweet Jesus. That's epic. Holy crap! Congrats to the capt and crew as that is truly an accomplishment of monstrous proportions!

I caught a 125 sword many moons ago that took an hour to land on 40lb fluoro leader. After that I quickly learned how to respect these beasts. I can't imagine one close to 600 lbs! Sweating and sore just thinking about it lol...

Respect is what they deserve. They can be an absolute nightmare when brought boat side. They see you as their problem and have the weapons to deliver. When I was stationed in Montauk in the Coast Guard a large sword was thought to be subdued and was brought alongside. The mate grabbed the bill and was run through with the bill entering the armpit and coming out behind his neck. He was very lucky to not have been killed.