View Full Version : Mix bag fishin on the rightawy iii

Rightaway III
05-14-2016, 08:17 PM
Fun day today,we had a good mix of fish to keep the rods bent.Ling,cod,blackfish and seabass all contributed to bending the rods.Not a whole lot of any particular species but a whole lot of fun.Im sure you guys are well aware of how i feel about the marin forecasts lately but lets give credit when credit is deserved,the weather man was ridht on today.Great job gentleman.In closeing i would like to give my personal forecast ,GOD REIGNS AND THE SON WILL SHINE.STAY WELL CAPT.TOMMY JOSEPH

Rightaway III
05-14-2016, 08:25 PM
Checked my post and realized my typing and spelling leave a little bit to be desired,another words ,it stinks.Sorry guys ,ill keep trying.CAPT.TJ

05-15-2016, 08:52 PM
Amen to your personal forecast