View Full Version : Steiger Craft Chesapeake

05-11-2016, 12:26 PM
Looking at a 93, 23' Chesapeake with a Volvo Penta any thoughts or opinions?

05-11-2016, 02:00 PM
What V/P engine? Inboard or sterndrive? If sterndrive, which one?

Grateful Dad
05-11-2016, 03:47 PM
Nice boat! I can't offer an opinion on motors, though. I don't know enough about 'em...

05-11-2016, 05:02 PM
I'm told it's a stern drive with 550 decals on the risers.
I'm waiting on pictures to see for sure.

Capt. Debbie
05-12-2016, 11:23 AM
I've heard mixed things about Volvo. Great engines and drives but no local parts. If you have the parts resources near you ... all set. Otherwise a problem.

Looking at a 93, 23' Chesapeake with a Volvo Penta any thoughts or opinions?

05-13-2016, 09:32 AM
I'm told it's a stern drive with 550 decals on the risers.
I'm waiting on pictures to see for sure.

Not certain that 550 decal means much, you need to get the actually engine and sterndrive models.

Gerry Zagorski
05-14-2016, 07:59 AM
Steigers are nice boats. I like the enclosed helm and the big cockpit. However, every boat is a compromise and the Stieger is no different.

I think they sold modified and deep v in that model. If you plan on using it in the ocean then you want the deep v. The modified v you tend to take a pounding in chop and the seas. The good news here is shallow dead rise boats don't require as much horsepower so are more economical to run and they don't roll as much on anchor or adrift like a deep vee does.

The rough ride in the modified V is further exaggerated by the helm being so far forward. That gives you a nice big cockpit, however, the further forward the helm is the more you are going to feel the up and down motion. This is the main reason most center consoles have their helms so far back towards the stern. If you've ever ridden on the front of a center console vs the stern, you'll pick up what I'm laying down here ;)

As far as stern drives, I've owned a few and will never own another. Lots of extra maintenance required, not just the drive but the bellows and the universal drives inside the bellows.

Volvo Penta stern drives are probably one of the better designs but as mentioned above parts are hard to come by as are people to work. When they let go, and I can assure you they will hold on top your wallet. Point in case I had a 99 Volvo stern drive on my last boat.... It was great for 6 or 7 years and then nothing but trouble some of which was self inflicted. In my case the drive was discontinued so I could not find a new complete drive and had no choice but to buy overpriced and hard to find remanufactured upper and lower drive components. By the time I was done, between parts, assembly and install it was over $12,000 :eek::eek: Props are more expensive too.

There are a lot of older stern drive boats for sale for what appear to be bargain prices. Don't be fooled.... What you save up front you pay for in the end. For this reason alone, I would pass on this boat and if you like Stiegers, I would be looking for an outboard and if you plan to use it outside the bay then the deep v.

05-16-2016, 11:34 AM
Great information, Thank You for the responses.

05-16-2016, 01:27 PM
One last thing....make certain you have a survey done. Sterndrive boats have a tendency for water intrusion in the transoms.