View Full Version : Anyone fish the Jigging Master Ocean Devil PE4?

04-29-2016, 02:20 PM
Shopping around for a new reel and came across the Jigging master Ocean Devil PE4. The Specs are:

Jigging Master Ocean Devil PE4 Reel:

Jigging Master Ocean Devil Reel is the ultimate design of our accumulated experience in this industry.

Single Drag series with superior drag performance,a customized jigging reel to fulfill market’s needs for fighting large fish.

7 stainless steel ball bearings and 2 docking gears.

Lever drag system

Crafted by whole solid aluminum instead of molding.

Excellent free spool,Enhanced handle arm with aluminum power
Round(45mm Dig.)

One year warranty.(Fiber washers and Bearings excluded)

Gear Ratio : 1 :4.5

Gross Weight : 425g

Capacity : PE4-400m

Spool dia.:54mm

Spool width:31mm

Efflcient drag : 20lbs. Max : 40lbs

It comes in lefty too witch is what i am looking for since i am one of those who fish lefty. But the drag is pretty serious and for the weight and size its seems like a good compact all around reel. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with them.

Thanks Guys

Charlie B
04-30-2016, 02:15 AM
I don't know. But the wording in the specs just don't sound right. Like a bad translation from Chinese. And washers and bearings excluded from the warranty. I would be cautious...Charlie

05-01-2016, 09:58 PM
No one has this reel? Come on! I tried google for reviews and all i can find is the manufacture specs and places they are sold.

Pennsy Guy
05-03-2016, 02:59 PM
Never heard of that manufacturer until your post---but then I'm not shopping for any reels--or rods either....just sayin'.

05-03-2016, 10:04 PM
Yeah there probably a reason why no one has one and i cant find any info about them. I think i have found another reel im going to get. A Accurate Boss Valiant

05-04-2016, 09:43 PM
I would give Kil Song a call and ask him directly as he will give you honest opinion and what the difference is between the ocean Devil and the regular Jigging master reels.

05-04-2016, 09:50 PM
Good call Alex. I will do that