View Full Version : AndyS is the "RARITAN RIVER!!!"

04-28-2016, 09:11 PM
Anybody want to help me with this! There's one person that came to mind as soon as I saw this post! If you have time please read! Andrew Still deserves an award and much more for his dedication and time spent on the Raritan River! His dedication and hard work are unmatchable! The man is the Raritan River! This river is his bloodline and his home!
Announcing a Call for Nominations for the

2016 Sustainable Raritan Awards

to be presented at the

8th Annual Sustainable Raritan River Conference

Do you know someone who deserves an award?

If you believe a person, organization or governmental group has gone above and beyond the call for a more Sustainable Raritan River, Basin or Bay we want to hear about them.

Award Categories:
Government Innovation Award
Leadership Award (individual)
Non-Profit Innovation Award
Public Access Award
Public Education Award
Remediation and Redevelopment Award
Stewardship Award
Sustainable Business Award
Each year at our Annual Conference, the Sustainable Raritan River Initiative gives awards to recognize outstanding achievements in efforts to revitalize our region, restore and protect our resources and promote our area as a premiere place to live, work and raise a family.

We are now accepting nominations for individuals, businesses, organizations, municipalities or counties that have helped make the Raritan region a better place to live and work. Make a nomination today by sending the following nomination information via email to the Awards Committee at raritan@ejb.rutgers.edu. Please include: (1) the nominee’s name and contact information; (2) a description of the activities that support your candidate for recognition; (3) photographs, articles or other media to support the nomination; and (4) contact information of person making the nomination.

Visit our website for more information about making a nomination and to read about prior year recipients.

Nomination Deadline
May 31, 2016

Email nomination information to

Conference Info
RU on the Raritan:
Exploring an agenda for Rutgers' stewardship of the Raritan River, basin and bay

on Friday, June 10, 2016
at the Douglass Student Center
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
100 George Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey

For more information
www.raritan.rutgers.edu or

04-29-2016, 12:55 AM

Esox Luciano
04-29-2016, 03:09 AM
Straight up!! Nice post Eddie, I probably wouldn't have heard about this otherwise.

Soo, having not been able to meet the infamous Andy Still yet, he's already made quite an honorable impression on me. Any person who can have such a positive impact on life; be it human, animal, fish:D, etc., and it's environs, as Andy has, definitely deserves the recognition earned!! If you're an avid reader of these threads you'll already know the piles, on piles, on piles of trash...and the stacks, on stacks, on stacks of tires...and all other miscellaneous debris that he's saved our wetlands, creeks, brooks, streams, rivers, bays, and ultimately the ocean from having to pay the price for. Speaking of price...I don't think he gets paid for this folks.
Not that I would dirty my own fishing spots prior to joining NJFishing, nor do I like sitting around/wading in garbage and pollution...but I definitely wasn't going to be cleaning up after other slobs I don't know! Andy specifically, (and crews he would roll with from time to time again), changed my outlook and motivated me to at least straighten my local spots up. I could only hope he's done the same for more of you anglers.


Again I tip my Steelers hat to you Andy and know that you have my vote. As far as your contact information for them, can you post it or just Pm me and anyone else who would like to place a ballot?

04-29-2016, 09:56 AM

Please include: (1) the nominee’s name and contact information; (2) a description of the activities that support your candidate for recognition; (3) photographs, articles or other media to support the nomination; and (4) contact information of person making the nomination.

Andy, would you mind providing this information so that we could make the nomination?


04-29-2016, 10:18 AM

Andy, would you mind providing this information so that we could make the nomination?


^^^+1 If you don't want to post your personal info(I don't blame you) maybe create a new gmail account or something for us to use. I believe Skype will also give you a number.

04-29-2016, 10:19 AM
Thanks again for all the time and effort put in to the clean up projects done by yourself and others!! Got my vote!

04-29-2016, 12:12 PM
Andrew Still 7 Edward Ave. Middlesex NJ 08846.

Not a problem. I think the 3 years on the North Branch for me was the best. Looks sweet now, hope to hit the Lamington as well this year.

Esox Luciano
05-02-2016, 11:55 PM
Just finished gathering pics and putting my vote in. Good luck Andy, we all know the Raritan wouldn't be wut it is now if it weren't for you.

And DAMN BRO!!! I know you've put work in work like crazy on the water and what not, but going through your pics is pretty impressive the amount of crap that you hauled. Kudos again man and good luck on these awards!!

05-03-2016, 07:37 AM
Easily holds world record for most garbage pulled out raritan!! Got my vote

05-03-2016, 09:56 AM

My boy and I had the pleasure of meeting one year on an off shore sea bass fishing trip on a non sponsor out of Barnegat maybe 5 years or so ago. Think the boat limited out in two hours, great trip short sleeve shirts in January! One of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Recognition for all you've done for the environment is a GREAT thing so thanks to Fast Eddie and Esox Luciano and anyone else involved for shepherding this along.

Most people don't do what Andy has done, people who have do it out of respect for the world we live in and not the recognition. It's what makes guys like Andy and his team very special, there heart is in the right place and they're actions speak louder than words. Many people talk about it, few people actually do something about it.

Andy kudos to you for being nominated and recognized by the members of this site, there's no more deserving person! Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work! You've made a very positive difference in your life, the best any of us at the end of the day can hope to say!


Esox Luciano
05-11-2016, 09:56 AM
Bump that! :p I know this is about the Raritan, but after whatever extra calls & letters were sent, Andy also helped with the Passaic as well.

Andy, remember those bad pics of the Chernobyl looking Dundee Island Preserve in Clifton? Well somebody's been back there the last couple weeks with a lil backhoe giving it hell!! Can't help but thank you again for your persistence in letters,calls, & emails. Got a nice Larry there as well & he sends his thanks too!:D:D

bunker dunker
05-11-2016, 10:10 AM
all this time I thought Andy was just his nickname.i thought his real name was"Raritan River".a great person who deserves great things.

Bruce Litton
05-11-2016, 08:03 PM
I think Andy deserves this 100%! It's been a foregone conclusion of mine for years now, that he deserves recognition, and because what he does really makes a large and positive difference. I first encountered him on Facebook, how I don't remember and that doesn't matter, but he was posting on golf balls in the Lamington. I got really, really fascinated and absorbed in every post. Now I'm working at the country club, just worked out this way, enjoying it too, if golf balls still make it downstream...Still follow Andy closely and this year, despite the missed opportunity last year, although I did do cleanup with Raritan Headwaters, I plan on doing work wherever Andy points me in June. I posted on Andy's work once in my blog, and that post got more likes than any other I have written. It's not only that it's personally deserved--the work is significant, symbolic, and especially concretely productive for this river system.

05-12-2016, 01:03 AM
I can't thank you guys enough ! I am just following in the foot steps of others, but felt like it had to be taken up a notch (since I'm not getting any younger)
I did write a proposal to F&G asking trout stocking be continued to the town of Manville and that the upper reaches get fall stocking. Won't hear anything on that till 2018. There is a TON of stuff going on with the Raritan river, not just clean ups. I guess it all boils down to "if you see something, say something"
Glad things are looking up on the Passaic also.
Just ONE of the things going on right now:

NOAA and other trustees have prepared a draft restoration plan that proposes removing the Weston Mill Dam on the Millstone River, and conducting analysis and design studies to improve fish passage at the Island Farm Weir on the Raritan River. Removal of the Weston Mill Dam would restore habitat for fish and other in-river trust resources injured by long-term releases related to the site. We are accepting public comments on this plan until June 10, 2016.

Comments may be submitted by mail to:

Mr. Carl Alderson
NOAA Restoration Center - Sandy Hook Office
JJ Howard National Marine Fisheries Science Center
74 Magruder Rd. Highlands
NJ 07732

or via email to: Carl.Alderson@noaa.gov(link sends e-mail)

Please include “American Cyanamid Public Comment” in the subject line. Written comments received and the trustees’ responses to those comments, whether in the form of plan revisions or written explanations, will be summarized in the Final Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment.

NOAA continues to work with the lead cleanup agency and the other trustees to evaluate cleanup and restoration efforts that would fully compensate the public for any additional potential injuries to natural resources.

05-12-2016, 07:33 PM
Bump, bump, bump!!! Andy for president of the Raritan River!!!:D