04-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Had Kooz out for a day of entertainment with Tbone repeating for another shot at the stripes. Sister Gail the "Striper Queen" joined in us in the mosh pit. Couple dozen pieces and we were good to go! Little bit honky but when they were there it didn't matter. Kooz lights up a big one on a popper before the Queen gets into one good on the bait runner with a head. Tbone has a good one one and it unravels too quickly. I get tight and get the case of the dropsies then Kooz Pops another. Meanwhile, sis is determined to boat her first one of the season and doesn't disappoint. It turned on and off within an hour. Surrounding boats shared the same adrenaline rush. A lot of smiling faces. Especially the Queen and Kooz with a nice 26#. 3 for the table and done. Here's to ya Michael. Happy Birthday