04-19-2016, 11:42 AM
On monday, Capt Ed and Capt Tommy from the Rightaway were running a crew trip to see if the Tog were biting, and luckily they let me join them. Left the inlet around 6 and were meet by a large swell from the east. First drop we had some life right away but the bites were so soft you could barley even feel it. We stuck with it and eventually they turned on. We had our 12 keepers along with a ton of shorts by 830. Released a few more keepers and shorts then headed for home as the swell was beginning to pick back up.
I believe they have some openings still left for this week, so give them a call, Tommy and Ed will put you on the meat.
I believe they have some openings still left for this week, so give them a call, Tommy and Ed will put you on the meat.