View Full Version : Regarding the weatherman

Rightaway III
04-17-2016, 09:24 AM
No limit,thanks for the reply and you are correct,wind guru is closer to the report but still no cigar.With all the technology we have today i would expect better forcasting but it is what it is.MVP, you know me long enough to know my main concern is for my people.I dont like beating the guys up,fishing is supposed to be fun,not an endurance test.Its aggravating to cancel a trip on bad info but i will continue to make the best call possible for the sake of my guys. CAPT. TOMMY JOSEPH

04-17-2016, 07:31 PM
I'm at the point I look at the buoys to see the wind and direction at night and tell the charter, unless they are coming from out of town, call me in the morning. The bouys run about an hour behind but at least I know if it's blowing hard like they said. I'm like you err on the side of safety, but when you cancel and it's like a lake, you kick yourself. Just my 2 cents.

Blackfish Doug
04-17-2016, 08:19 PM
I grew up watching this weatherman he was always dead on. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/STRKeRkULaM/hqdefault.jpg. Plus I looked at my trusty tree tops outside If they were bending NE or SE I did not go. I'm going back to the old school of doing things I fished more often. There's too much technology out there that's dead on wrong. Isn't NOAA the same people who make up our regulations? or is it a different branch? If it is now you know for sure why everyone out here is saying WTF.

04-17-2016, 08:30 PM
Funny I fish just recreationally and I to look at tree tops and I live like 30 miles inland. They are a good indicator of what the day will be like
Been caught in some really nasty thunderstorms and now really try to avoid them. Most scary was once in the middle of raritan Bay the lighting and thunder we Instantenous actually laid down in my 17' aluminum boat. Better to be safe than sorry. Good fishing season to all njfishing.com members.

04-17-2016, 09:00 PM
I agree with you guys , safety first . We all would like the weathermen to always be right , but it's not going to happen . Look at it this way , some guys who don't have a clue charter your boat , you try everything , no fish , when their getting off the boat one dope tells his buddy , this guy don't know what he's doing , I'll never come here again ! The man upstairs always has the final word .