View Full Version : Down Deep Bull - 4/16 AM & PM STRIPED BASS

Down Deep Sportfishing
04-16-2016, 11:41 PM
Saturday morning Capt. Tom & Gene ran a 6 am open boat Striper trip with another big crowd of new and returning faces. Again without mercy, the crew worked in harmony like a well oiled machine and proceeded to pounce on em. In the end, everyone got what they came for, tight lines, big fish, good times, big bags of filets and sore arms. Thank you to everyone who came aboard, another great day . . .

Saturday afternoon the crew ran another open boat Raritan Bay Striper trip for a big crowd of great guys. Worked for em and put em in the boat, just not as good as the morning. All fish, all trips up to 27 lbs. with others returned to fight another day. Another big thank you to all who made the trip, it was nice fishing with everyone. Don't miss the next open boat trips -

Monday April 18 - 6 am STRIPED BASS - FEW SPOTS REMAIN

Monday April 18 - 6 am TOG - FEW SPOTS REMAIN

http://downdeepsportfishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/dd2.jpg (http://downdeepsportfishing.com/open-boat-availability/)

Come out, load up, BOOK NOW and get right on em.

Here's a few . . . .

04-17-2016, 03:45 PM
Thank you Tom and gene for another few dinners :)