View Full Version : Down Deep - 4/16 AM & PM STRIPED BASS

Down Deep Sportfishing
04-16-2016, 11:25 PM
Saturday morning on the Down Deep, Capt. Rob and Joe ran another 6 am Striper trip with Steve and friends ready to beat on em. Once again after we abused these fish yesterday, we returned to do it all over again :) The crew got what they came for and left with big bags of filets and smiles to match, with many others returned to swim another day. Thank you guys for coming aboard, another great day . . . .

Saturday afternoon, we ran another afternoon open boat trip with a big crowd of new and returning faces. We continued where we left off and put them in the boat, but we were light on the keepers. Thank you to all for sailing with us, it was great fishing with you all :) Back at it all day tomorrow. Book now and get right on em.

Next open boat trips are -

Monday April 18 - 6 am STRIPED BASS - FEW SPOTS REMAIN

Monday April 18 - 6 am TOG - FEW SPOTS REMAIN

http://downdeepsportfishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/dd1.jpg (http://downdeepsportfishing.com/open-boat-availability/)