Prowler 5
04-15-2016, 04:25 PM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. Our last bass report was similar to the last one with a dozen keepers and 30-35 shorts, although we were fishing with fresh bunker and caught fish on the rubber lures. You regulars know the ones. We didn't try to light up today as we got our brand new kitchen galley fixed up. We have a professional chef, Mike, running the galley this season. He has everything that you can imagine. It's like a regular restaurant in there as well as all the good tackle. Capt. Glenn, Kenny, Mike and Donny will see you in the a.m. Sailing everyday 7:30 am to 2:30 pm and we start our 3:30 pm to 9:00-9:30 pm trips starting Sat. April 23rd and Sun. April 24th. When the kids get out of school we'll add some more afternoon days in. Capt. Jimmy Rivelli will be running all of the Sunday afternoon trips.