View Full Version : Spring boat launch checklist

MM Insure
04-06-2016, 02:14 PM
Spring Start-Up List

Spring has officially sprung and that means it's time to take your boats out of winter storage and put them in the water. Working your way through this Spring Checklist will help to ensure your boat is ready to go when launched.

1. Check the fuel and water systems for any signs of damage or leaks.
2. Inspect the electrical system for clean and tight connections.
3. Check all belts and hoses for wear, an older hose or belt can become brittle resulting in serious engine failure or cause the boat to sink.
4. All safety equipment (including life jackets, flares and fire extinguishers) should be inspected and replaced as necessary.
5. If the boat has a trailer check electrical wiring connections and make sure all lights are working.
6. Check those trailer tires for cracking and other signs of deterioration (including the spare!).
7. Make sure the wheel bearings are adequately greased and that the safety chain is in good shape.

By correctly preparing your boat for the Spring Season, you will have a better chance of carefree boating.


04-06-2016, 03:29 PM
Spring Start-Up List

Spring has officially sprung and that means it's time to take your boats out of winter storage and put them in the water. Working your way through this Spring Checklist will help to ensure your boat is ready to go when launched.

1. Check the fuel and water systems for any signs of damage or leaks.
2. Inspect the electrical system for clean and tight connections.
3. Check all belts and hoses for wear, an older hose or belt can become brittle resulting in serious engine failure or cause the boat to sink.
4. All safety equipment (including life jackets, flares and fire extinguishers) should be inspected and replaced as necessary.
5. If the boat has a trailer check electrical wiring connections and make sure all lights are working.
6. Check those trailer tires for cracking and other signs of deterioration (including the spare!).
7. Make sure the wheel bearings are adequately greased and that the safety chain is in good shape.

By correctly preparing your boat for the Spring Season, you will have a better chance of carefree boating.


8) Insert the garboard plug and tighten.

shrimpman steve
04-07-2016, 12:19 AM
All great advice.

I'll add to it. Clean all battery connections.

Thanks Vito!!

MM Insure
04-07-2016, 05:30 AM
Thanks for the extra suggestions. Keep them coming.

Capt. Debbie
04-07-2016, 11:29 AM
Wax the hull and rails.

Apply Rainex on all the glass.
New wipers if still old.

Spray on silicon based (not WD 40 ) on all O/B metal surfaces.
Put grease on trailer electrical connections on both sides.

Soak anchor line in fabric softener solution over night to make pliable.

Inspect all life jackets for visible fatigue or wear on material and especially the straps.

Check bilge pump float switch is free of surrounding junk and is smooth in movement.

Thanks for the extra suggestions. Keep them coming.

Capt. Lou
04-07-2016, 08:25 PM
Check electronics especially radios , easier to fix on land !