View Full Version : Andreas Toy Liveline crew trip, it's on!

Andreas Toy
04-04-2016, 06:33 PM
Went to do maintenance on the boat, wanted to try bunker had buddies
Chris and Jimmy join me. Netted the bunker and went on our way. Trolled
10 fish until we found the mother lode. Dropped the livies, chunks, and heads
And game on. Landed over a dozen fish from 15-22lbs. It's game on fellas
Get your boat, find your favorite boat, get a kayak, it's on!

Salty Dog
04-04-2016, 07:31 PM
Thanks Fred .

04-04-2016, 07:59 PM
Nice going !

04-04-2016, 08:06 PM
Nice...blood is flowing!!!!

Capt Derek Fisher Price 3
04-04-2016, 09:00 PM
Nice job Freddy

Blackfish Doug
04-04-2016, 11:52 PM
Nice trip Freddy I love the pictures I guess we can say Fish ON

04-05-2016, 01:22 AM
My favorite line of the report. Get a kayak
It's On

Mushin Sportfishing
04-05-2016, 08:12 AM
Nice job, Fred!!! Glad to hear you've been on the fish! As always, you're a team player putting the information out to others!