View Full Version : Stripped bass kayak?

04-04-2016, 04:31 PM
Was wondering if anybody could help send me in the right direction tomororow was thinking about trying keansburg or cliffwood beach? Any other suggestions? Thanks

04-04-2016, 04:52 PM
we were fishing further back in the bay on sunday. Amboys....

Gerry Zagorski
04-04-2016, 05:03 PM
I'd pick an area from Keyport and west. Look for birds first and then find the closest and most convenient area to launch from.

I know your rod and tackle space is limited on the Yak. If I could only bring a limited amount of stuff it would be a spinning pole with surface plugs and some bunker snags. Also bring a knife to cut up the bunker in chunks in case you have no luck on snagging and dropping live bunker.

If no birds it's anyone's guess but I would be concentrating in shallow 6 foot or less areas and have some sand worms with me.

04-04-2016, 05:08 PM
Anyplace from cliffwood, keyport, union beach, and keansburg to port Monmouth. Any one of these areas produce on a given day.

Troll sp minnows, tsunami cigar minnows, metal lip plugs, and soft body shads. The shads are the first choice. Troll them and cast when you see fish on bunker. 9nrs has a small shad umbrella that works good too.

NJ Dave
04-04-2016, 05:29 PM
I strongly think you need to check the weather.
Small craft, 20 mph wind and waves 4-7.
No fish is worth your life. Spring kayakING is a dangerous sport. The water is in the 40s. Take a spill on that without a dry suit and a bit of self rescue knowledge and it's bye bye.
Not trying to sound like a prick and I am not doubting your experience but this is not an easy sport.
I am sick of being called "that guy in a kayak" because of people's inexperience that gives us ALL a bad name.

Magicseaweed and swellinfo are two good weather sites to follow.
It looks line there is a small weather window wed early am for a safe launch but by afternoon the wind builds back up.
Kayak fishing is a great and rewarding sport.

04-04-2016, 07:46 PM
Dave, you don't sound like a prick. We've all seen the guys out there in very cold water and warm air temps, in shorts. Last spring as a good year to see that. The water was very cold.

When you've been kayaking long enough you see it all. This year I think we are all waiting to hear about the person that is recovered by the CG. It's a lousy bunch of words to hear but people take a chance when they should have stayed home, not dressed for the conditions.

I've driven to the shore, 1-1 1/2 later to just turn around because conditions are different then reported. You have to be willing to just call it a day and enjoy breakfast instead.

04-04-2016, 08:19 PM
I never saw stripers so thick and hitting so heavy as they were Sat evening alongside the pier off of Belford.

04-04-2016, 09:47 PM
Thank you for all the feedback. I've been kayak fishing for over 3 years so I know the ropes a little. It's a fun sport, might try Wesnday morning. I'll let you guys know! Thanks

04-05-2016, 07:02 AM
I'll be on the yak soon.....
Trolling plastics and hopefully snagging bunker

From Belford on back