View Full Version : Bay- caught fish on chunks

04-03-2016, 04:58 PM
This weather sucks

The back of the bay just blew up with bass chasing bunker

And now it's cold windy unfishable
It figures...

Caught some beautiful 34" fish on chunks in the dark- from the bay beach
Warm sunny days can't co e soon enough

04-03-2016, 05:36 PM
Yeah... Wind was a killer today!! :mad:

Gerry Zagorski
04-04-2016, 09:03 AM
Thanks for the report trochee. Nice to know they are hitting chunks.

Seems that when the water is on the cooler side (under 50) the fish are still a bit lethargic and sometimes won't go through the effort to chase a live bunker but will hit a chunk. Easier meal that requires less effort I guess.

Most people will anchor up and chunk, but it's also effective on the drift, as long as the current is not too swift.

04-04-2016, 09:14 PM
A striper we kept on sat had a whole bunker in it.