View Full Version : Open boat stellwagen bank on big mac

Relentless Charters
03-18-2016, 05:38 PM
Once again, thanks to all of the members who submitted the comments on the Gulf of Maine Haddock regulations. A little birdie told me they will be going with the 15 haddock per person starting on May 1st.

I am teaming up with Capt Jim McFarland Jr. and will be running the BIG MAC out of Green Harbor this year along with the RELENTLESS. The BIG MAC is a 35' downeast which any here have fished on and the RELENTLESS is a Jone Brothers, 23' CC. We will be running for Winter Flounder, Bass, Blues and what the NY and Jersey anglers love Haddock and Tuna.

Private trips on the BIG MAC will be $1260 Per Person and open Boat Trips, $210 per person for a ten hour trip. On board RELENTLESS a four person eight hour charter (more speed) will be $800 and open boat tips $200 per person.

The season opens May 1st and the first Open Boat Trip will be on Saturday, May 7th and Sunday May 15th on the Big Mac at $210 PP. All fish are divided evenly between the anglers on board.

We will also run an open boat trip on Sunday, May 15th also. If interested, please send an email to Capt Dave (captdave@relentlesscharters.com) with a subject line OPEN BOAT.

It will be good to get back out there catching those haddock again and sending folks home with plenty of tasty white fillets for the frying pan or oven. If anyone has any questions, contact me anytime.


Capt Dave

03-26-2016, 07:10 AM
Capt. Dave I need another spot

Relentless Charters
03-26-2016, 07:55 AM

You have it, I will now put you down for two, in the next few days we will be adding more dates.


04-03-2016, 06:19 AM
Wow still only the 2 spots I have,hope we get enough to go

Relentless Charters
04-10-2016, 09:40 AM
Richie, don't worry we will fill up and have added two more dates to the open boat haddock trip. This gives the guys traveling more dates to choose from.

Wednesday May 4th Open Boat Haddock
Saturday May 7th Open Boat Haddock
Sunday May 15th Open Boat Haddock

Anyone interested can contact Capt Dave at captdave@relentlesscharters.com


Capt Dave

Relentless Charters
04-16-2016, 09:20 AM
Still have room on these open boat trips aboard the 35' Big Mac for Stellwagen Haddock, Redfish, Pollock. $210 PP departing at 5:00 AM returning 3:00 PM, all fish pooled and split evenly between customers.
http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p114/relentlesscharters/Bullhaddock%20Medium_zpsagyedewm.jpg (http://s126.photobucket.com/user/relentlesscharters/media/Bullhaddock%20Medium_zpsagyedewm.jpg.html)

http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p114/relentlesscharters/HaddockChair%20Medium_zpsk0l55u2m.jpg (http://s126.photobucket.com/user/relentlesscharters/media/HaddockChair%20Medium_zpsk0l55u2m.jpg.html)
For more information on these and other shared trips go to our website (www.relentlesscharters.com) If interested, contact Capt Dave at captdave@relentlesscharters.com

Wednesday May 4th - Four Spots Open, Come fishing with Tropics (Ritchie)
Saturday May 7th - Two Spots Open
Sunday May 15th -Five Spots Open

Thank You and have a good day.


Capt Dave

Relentless Charters
04-22-2016, 06:15 AM
The Saturday May 7th trip is now full and we have four spots still open for the Sunday May 7th open boat trip. May 1st can't come soon enough and I am planning on fishing that day to do a shake down and scouting trip for haddock.

If interested in going on one of these trips, please send me an email.

Thank You and have a ood day.

Capt Dave

04-24-2016, 07:15 PM
Any open boat spots for the end of May? 27th? Thanks!

Relentless Charters
04-26-2016, 08:45 AM
Good Morning,

Right now there is not an open boat trip on the 27th, but we could put something together if there is enough interest and we can get at least five for the trip preferably six. Please send me your contact information to
Capt Dave (captdave@relentlesscharters.com) and I will reach out to you to see what we can put together. Also a friend of mine was on the bank doing a scouting trip and it is loaded with haddock was his quote. Can not wait for May 1st to get here. Thank You for the reply and apologize for not getting back sooner.


Capt Dave