View Full Version : quepos , costa rica first week of march 2015

Fat fish stick
03-11-2016, 09:47 PM
2 days fishing 13 out of 16 on sailfish and 1 for 1 on tuna... my first sailfish and tuna were on this trip and i will never forget it


03-12-2016, 08:53 AM
Congratulations on your first tuna and sail.There a blast to catch.Love when the sail fish come up and tail walk.Hope you catch many more.

03-12-2016, 10:32 AM
Great videos and tunes! Some big sailfish! Are there sharks in those waters? Would be a bit concerned about the predators a thrashing sailfish boat side would attract but that's just me! Thanks for sharing, looks like you had an amazing trip.

Fat fish stick
03-12-2016, 06:00 PM
Thanks guys that was hands down the best fishing trip I ever had. I had a blast in punta cana last week but in all honesty costa rica was 10x better as far as action and the land there is just so surreal and punta cana was mostly flat . As far as sharks we were 40 miles offshore and from what the mate said the sharks usually don't come within 80 miles of their waters. Whether or not that true I don't know but it was more of an adrenaline rush than anything. I probably wouldn't do it again now that I've thought about sharks and getting stabbed by the sandpaper bill so far away from help. Also when I was riding him I was holding his bill too low and he clinched down on my hand and even tho they don't have teeth the pressure he put on my had scared the shit out of me haha my dad and the mates were laughing . Highly recommended and the boat we fished was a 31fter called GOOD DAY FISHING TEAM. Mates name was Jose great guy